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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 5, 1982 <br />L. Mining Permits - <br />(1) Hammes - Whittaker reported that the operation and <br />premises have been inspected by the Building Inspector, <br />who found the area adequately fenced and in compliance <br />with the conditions of the permit. He did note a pile of <br />concrete,that belongs to the County and was to be removed <br />last year, still has not been removed. The County has <br />indicated they have contracted to have this crushed and <br />are �a.ithholding partial payment pending completion of this <br />work. Hammes are not responsible for this. <br />--Mottaz - send a letter to the County indicating the storage <br />of the concrete is putting Hamme's in violation of their <br />permit and request they take care of the work this spring. <br />--Whittaker - recommended that mining permits be reviewed <br />in the spring or early fall, when weather conditions are <br />more favorable. The Council agreed. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to renew the Hammes mining permit until <br />September 1, 1982, and pro -rate the fees; and apply these <br />same regulations to the Schaefer Mining Permit. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to have the Administrator draft an <br />Ordinance requiring mining permits be reviewed for renewal <br />September 1 of each year. <br />6. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - PARKS AND PLANNING COMMISSION: <br />Whittaker distributed an outline of the goals and objectives <br />for the two Commissions and asked the Council to review <br />them for discussion January 19. Procedures for hearings will <br />be ready for the January 19 meeting. <br />7. APPOINTMENTS - COMMISSIONS: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak to table Parki.and Planning Commission <br />Appointments until January 19, 1982. <br />DINNER BREAK - BEN'S ELMO INN <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. <br />8. FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT - CHIEF BRUCE KUETTNER: <br />Delayed until later in meeting. <br />9. PUBLIC INQUIRIES: <br />1. Ed Nielsen - Mr. Nielsen submitted a check from Lehart F'riefrich_ <br />for land rental. Mr. Friedrich donated his time and materials <br />to put in a crop for four acres of park land that the City <br />normally expends for feeding wildlife in the park. This resulted <br />in a .$295.50 donation to the City. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to send a letter of appreciation <br />acknowledging Lehart Friedrich's contribution. <br />