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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 5, 1982 <br />-5- <br />9, PUBLIC INQUIRIES: Ed Nielsen - City Office <br />Mr. Nielsen submitted a petition with over 100 signatures <br />opposing rental of space in,the Brookfield Building for office <br />space. He read the text of the petition, outlinedan' <br />alternative:to remodel the present City office with suggested <br />estimates from two local contractors and appealed the Council <br />to reverse its decision. He said the majority of the residents <br />approached opposed leasing property, opposed purchasing additional <br />property - there is adequate park land-, and felt the issue <br />should be put to a vote of the people. <br />--Eder - reviewed some of the background on the building question <br />and the Council's decision, This was widely publicized in the <br />City newsletter and the press - never received a call on the <br />matter, and conscientiously reviewed the facts and fiqures to <br />substantiate the decision that was made. <br />--Mottaz - space not the only issue-..- many considerations <br />discussed over many hours - articles in the newsletter and <br />in newspapers over the past year - no input. Petition did <br />not present the background for petitioners to base an <br />evaluation on. Contractors figures were not based on actual <br />work that would need to be done. Had two independent estimates <br />for remodeling that were no where near $40,000. <br />--Nielsen - space is key consideration - what do Lake Elmo <br />residents have to do to covince the Council to get out of <br />leasing? <br />--Fraser - any charige-'would be,fantastically expensive. Have <br />made commitments - have given this enormous amounts of time <br />attention and dollars. Have used a reasonable process and <br />appropriate judgements. <br />--Eder - all criteria and all the elements discussed at many <br />Council meetings and were in writing. Council can make such <br />decisions by statute. Contracts signed, <br />--Nielsen - amount of money invested in the leased space, to date, <br />could be sublet to someone else - will be insignificant compared <br />to amount of money spent over the next 5 years. <br />--Eder - gone though all the figures - not convinced that putting <br />the necessary amount of money into remodeling the present office <br />building is frnancially"sound investment. <br />--Nielsen - only has to last 5 years, <br />--Eder - can acknowledge these opinions, but cannot do anything <br />about them. <br />--Nielsen = unfortunate this was not quizzed to the people. Would <br />have found out a majority were against it. Unpopular decision. <br />--Eder - present working conditions for the City staff are <br />deplorable - would create a hodgepodge by trying to convert <br />the present office area. As long as this decision is financially <br />sound no need to argue the issue. Thanked Mr, Nielsen for <br />his time and concern. <br />Mr. Nielsen submitted the petitions and related data as a part <br />of this record. <br />10. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Buildingnspec Itor Contract - The Council reviewed the <br />amenden contract with the requested changes. The Council voiced <br />no additional changes. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder to approve the Building Inspector's Contract <br />anl. authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to <br />sign the agreement between James McNamara and the City of <br />Lake Elmo, and Mahtomedi, <br />