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02-02-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-02-82 CCM
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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 <br />Mayor Eder convened the Special Meeting at 3:15 p.m, with Councillors <br />Fraser, Morgan, Mottaz and Novak present, <br />AGENDA: <br />M/S/P Fraser/Novak to approve the Agenda for the Special Meeting <br />with the following changes: delete items 2 and 4C; add 7. Snow <br />Plowing policies and a break at 4:30 p.m. <br />1, GOALS AND POLICIES, PARKS AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS: <br />The Council agreed that the provisions for Establishment and <br />Purposes were acceptable, <br />COMPOSITION - <br />—NNovHIF should keep 9 members on the Planning Commission as it <br />provides a broader base for decisions and tends to insure there <br />is a quorum at meetings. <br />--Fraser - agrees <br />--Novak - while she like the turnover insured by the provision <br />that members of the Commissions may serve only two consecutive <br />terms, she thinks this provision is desireable but not essential. <br />Some long-term members are valuable and it is often difficult to <br />get new members. <br />--Fraser - believes it is healthy to have turnover on a voluntary <br />group; thinks a break between terms, after two terms, is good; <br />involves more people in the community. <br />,Mottaz P agrees with Fraser, Council should more actively <br />recruit new members. <br />--Morgan - does not see a problem, have had turnover. The Park <br />Commission has had it. He does not know of one person who wants <br />to stay on. <br />--Mottaz - less damaging to adopt a policy when there is no <br />problem, rather than when there is and Council wants to remove <br />someone. Could ask people to serve longer if there are no <br />volunteers at time of reappointment. , <br />--Eder - Could indicate that person could serve another term <br />after a one year break, <br />MIS/ Fraser/Mottaz to approve the sections on Establishment, <br />Purpose and Composition with the stipulation that a person could <br />serve another term after a one-year absence from the Commissions. <br />Motion passed 3-2 with Novak and Morgan voting Nay. <br />QUALIFICATIONS,.'& REMOVAL <br />--Fraser - Should not have provision for excused absences as it <br />would be difficult to determine what is a reasonable excuse. <br />--Eder -- thinks there should be a provision for exceptions if <br />circumstances warrant it. <br />M/S/P Eder/Fraser to approve sections on Qualifications and <br />Removal provided that the.Removal Section reflect the Council may <br />consider exceptional circumstances for absenteeism and the clause <br />under Planning Commission show removal after missing 1/3 of the <br />meetings instead of 6 meetings, <br />
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