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02-02-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-02-82 CCM
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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUA.RY 2, 1982 <br />-2- <br />OFFICERS - <br />Z!o_uH_c_'iT agreed that the Park Commission may have a Secretary if <br />they so choose to. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Novak to approve Officers section with that change. <br />,,ANNUAL MEETING - <br />M S/P Morgan%F.der to approve the Annual Meeting section. <br />REGULAR MEETING - <br />Fraser the quorum section should be separated from Regular <br />Meeting and put at the end of section on Special Meetings, <br />Council agreed that Parks Commission should have just one <br />scheduled meeting per month, the first Monday, at a set time. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Novak to approve sections on Annual Meeting, Regular <br />Meetings, Special Meetings and Quorum with Quorum moved out of <br />Regular Meetings section and Parks Commission having just one <br />regularly scheduled meeting per month, <br />ING, PROCEEDINGS, RULES OF PROCEDURE, AGENDAS - <br />M/S/P Novak/Morgan to approve these sections as written. <br />RECORDS <br />Council agreed the provisions were reasonable if a recording <br />secretary is provided each Commission. Also thought it would <br />l be good for City Administrator to attend Parks Commission meetings. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve section on Records, <br />TRAINING - <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan to accept the provisions on Training. <br />Z&WERS AND DUTIES - <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to accept the sections on Powers and Duties, <br />ANNUAL WORK PLAN - <br />--Fraser -..believes we should add a Section to the Goads and Policies <br />for the Park Commission which would require an Annual Meeting <br />of the Commission and the City Council to set the annual work <br />plan, list projects, points of interaction on projects and <br />programs and plan a work schedule, <br />--Mottaz - perhaps this could be done as a part of the annual <br />meeting, <br />--Morgan - the Parks Commission use to do this every year. They <br />presented a summary of accomplishments the year before and reported <br />on their programs for the next year to the Council each year in <br />April. It stopped when the Council decided that should be done <br />at Budget time and not in April. <br />--Fraser - in answer to question from Novak, said there would be <br />an exchange of ideas on the work program at this meeting rather <br />than a Council directive to a Commission. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to have a joint planning session with the <br />Park Commission at the first meeting in April each year to develop <br />the annual work plan for the Commission and a joint planning session <br />with the Planning Commission at the first meeting in May to develop <br />
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