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02-02-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-02-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2,., 1982 <br />-3- <br />9. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />C. Animal Control Contracts <br />M/S/P Mottaz Novak to renew the current Animal Control Contract <br />with Jerry Dahlberg at the current rate to December 31, 1982. <br />D. Joint Code Enforcement Contract - <br />The Counci'3"rev�iewed EH67 dmin strator's comments,outlined in his <br />memo, explaining the past procedure for the shared Building <br />Inspector. He explained that the., formula for sharing expenses <br />with Mahtomedi is not working very well; and,after..meeting with <br />Mahtomedi's Administrator, recommended sharing expenses based <br />on total number of permits and total fees generated, with no <br />City paying less than 200 of the total expenses and getting no <br />less than one full day service per week. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to accept the Administrator's recommendation - <br />and rewrite the Joint Code Enforcement Agreement with Mahtomedi <br />to reflect this recommendation. <br />Mahtomedi requested a .refund for the difference between the <br />actual amount of shared time and the billed amount of the shared <br />time. This amounts to $1500. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak to reimburse.Mahtomedi $1500 .for over -payment <br />of their share of the Code Enforcement Off.icer..for 1981, <br />7. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. MSA <br />1. Alternatives <br />Engineer Bohrer referred the Council to his letter of January 29, <br />which outlines the alternatives, with drawings, and summarizes <br />the meeting between the City Administrator, City Engineer, <br />and the State Aid Engineer. After reviewing the three <br />alternatives, the Engineer recommended the original alignment <br />of .45th, from Jane Trail, to Julep to 47th to Keats. This <br />would complete the immediate goals of the City. The long <br />term goal would continue 47th, from Keats, to Kimbro to 50th. <br />ending at County 17. <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Morgan to accept the Engineers recommendation <br />and adopt Alternative 1, with 40 mph curves. <br />Motion carried 4-0-1 Eder abstained. <br />Bohrer said the next step is to negotiate with the affected <br />property owners. <br />2. Easements - Keats Avenue <br />F�' <br />Engineer Boger reported t at the property owners along Keats <br />have been contacted, with the exception of Eleanor Raleigh, <br />where an easement is required, the easements were explained <br />and compensation discussed. He presented a table listing <br />the results of the negotiations. Of the 17 property owners, <br />eight have agreed to grant the necessary easements. He <br />reviewed the concerns conveyed by the property owners with <br />the assessment formula being a primary concern. <br />As some of the easements will have to be condemned, this process <br />taking up to 120 days, the Engineer recommended that the <br />City Attorney be instructed to begin condemnation proceedings, <br />in order to start the clock on the 120 day process and to <br />indicate the City's resolve to those property owners that are <br />unsure of the City's intent. <br />
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