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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY A, 1982 <br />7. ENGINEERS REPORT: <br />A. MSA - Easements Continued <br />* adopt R-82-5, A Resol tion^instructing the City Attorney <br />amended MIS/ Mottaz/Morgan to to proceed <br />2/16/82 with condemnation. <br />Discussion: <br />--Fraser - not ready to give forth the message that the City is <br />showing its resolve. Opposes the motion at this time. Wants <br />to review figures from residents that indicate maintenance of <br />the road may be cost effective vs going ahead with the project. <br />Motion carried 4-1. Fraser opposed. <br />M/S/P Eder/Novak to place the assessment formula for the <br />improvement of Keats Avenue be placed on the February 16 agenda <br />for discussion and resolution. <br />B. Bruce Hi11, -Large Lot Subdivision - <br />Engineer Bohrer reviewed the Hill application. He commented <br />on the access, drainage, easements and proposed design features, <br />as outlined in his letter of January 29, 1982, Hill Large Lot <br />Subdivision. He then reviewed his recommendations with the <br />Council. <br />Mr. Hill indicated that the reason for the request is that <br />Parcel B is in the process of being sold to the property owner <br />to the west. <br />*amended *adopt R-82-6, a Resolution approving a <br />2/16/82 M/S/_' Morgan/Mottaz to*aro-ve t-1x,- large lot subdivision for <br />Bruce Hill with the following provisions: <br />1. A 30 ft wide permanent road easement be provided along the <br />entire west line of Parcel B. This would permit the continuation <br />of Jerome Avenue N from Foxfire, immediately to the north. <br />2. A 40 ft wide permanent road easement be provided along the <br />entire east line of Parcel A within the NSP powerline easement, <br />per the Washington County Throughfare Plan. <br />3. A Certificate of Survey be submitted showing each boundary <br />dimension and bearing, existing and proposed road right-of-way <br />and easements, the location of the existing roads within the <br />existing rights -of -way, and revised legal descriptions for <br />Parcels A & R. Descriptions by exception are not acceptable <br />Sketches of the above provisions are attached to the Engineer's <br />letter of January 29. <br />--Whittaker - Mr. Hill has requested that the City Attorney draft <br />the deeds for this transaction, as he is providing the requested <br />dedicated right-of-way. He would like to avoid paying an attorney <br />to do this. <br />--Eder - would encourage the property owner to draw an over-all <br />plan for the parcel and, if going to place a house on the piece <br />in the near future, locate the homesite so it would not interfere <br />with a future road plan,' if the piece is platted. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />See clarification on Hill attorney request later in meeting. <br />