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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY aY 1982 <br />Hill Motion Clarification - <br />__ <br />Mottaz-clarified the motion on the Hill Subdivision, stating <br />the motion did not include payment of Attorney fees as requested <br />by Mr, Hill. This has not been a City practice in the past and <br />the Council felt these fees should remain the responsibility of <br />the applicant. <br />8. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />A. Permitting Truck Repair in General Business - <br />Whitt -a r reported that -E edPlanning Commission concurred with <br />the Council's position to include truck repair, as a permitted <br />use rather than a conditional use, in General Business. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to include truck repair as a permitted use <br />in General Business,provided the General Business area is <br />adjacent to industrial, manfacturing or warehousing. <br />This will be included with additional code amendments, that <br />will be submitted to the Council for approval, after review <br />by the Planning Commission, <br />B. Nominal"10's - <br /> reported that the Planning Commission still supports <br />its original recommendation that would permit road right-of-way <br />to be included in the total land area of a 10 acre parcel - <br />nominal 10. <br />--Morgan - leans toward requiring the full 10 acres and grant <br />a variance where necessary, <br />---Eder - Nominal 10 leads to selling 1/4 of 1/4 with poor <br />attention to survey, 1/4 of 1/4 is a simple description to <br />write - 10 acres would require surveying the parcel. 40 acres <br />is considered more agricultural - less than 40 is just preserving <br />open space. Council has agreed to nominal 401s, <br />--Whittaker - a 1/4-1/4 could not be deeded unless it were on a <br />road right-of-way. <br />--Mottaz - will have to be prepared to consider alot of variances. <br />M/S/ Eder/Novak to require a parcel to be a full 10 acres in <br />size, exclusive of road -right-of-way or easements. <br />Discussion: <br />--Mottaz - this does not remove the possiblity of someone applying <br />for a variance, <br />--Novak - only one request, to date, going above and beyond of what <br />might be - if barraged with requests could reconsider. <br />Motion carried 4-1. Fraser opposed, <br />9. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />F. Council Meetings - Use of the new CouR__cil Chambers - <br />The Council agreed to continue to meet in t"mold Council Chambers, <br />in the Fire Hall, until the new Chambers are completed and furnished. <br />G. Snow Plowing Pblicy - <br />.. ___.-,..._ <br />--Eder - used on second week of the snow fall, feels a need <br />to define when the sub -contractor goes out in the old village area <br />and what he does for us vs what he does under other contracts. <br />Also, develop a plan that would permit a change in -direction <br />for plowing so that the same people are not always first or some <br />always last, <br />