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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY J,, 1982 -8- <br />DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS: <br />--Fraser - at a point City control stops. This seems to be <br />the most judicious move given the circumstance. Ownership of <br />the lots has changed and the new owner is a willing seller. <br />-Novak - DNR does not heed the City's agreement to support <br />condemnation. Only way City can have its say is to request <br />that restrictions be placed on the deed. <br />--Whittaker - DNR approached the City and requested support, <br />but this support is not necessary for them to proceed. No <br />need for them to condemn - have a willing seller. DNR did <br />&greeato develop the access as proposed - one lot for parking <br />and leave the other lot vacant, <br />--Al Noreen - would like to hear the City Attorney say, that <br />as it stands, the DNR cannot develop the other lot - not that <br />it is a Council approval item. This is primary concern. <br />--Eder - deed restriction has to be very specific. <br />--Morgan - should require a plan from DNR, showing both lots, <br />and indicating the second lot will not be used for parking or <br />public use, Plan should indicate berming and vegetation around <br />and on the second lot to hinder its use by the public. The <br />plan plus restrictions on the deed should provide a strong <br />position of control. <br />--Mottaz Motion implies or states that if the Council cannot <br />get the guarantees on the use of this land, than the Council <br />will go on record opposing the purchase of the additional -.lot. <br />Time will be provided on the next agenda for a status report. <br />ADJOURN: M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. <br />RESOLUTIONS: 82,5 :Condemnation for Keats MSA <br />82-6 Hill Large Lot Subdivision <br />