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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 -3- <br />PLANNING COMM1,SSION`'APPOTT4'.TMENTS <br />M/S/P Novak/Fraser to move Planning Commission Alternate Members <br />Moe and Maza,ara into full member positions vacated by Halden and <br />Forsblad for the unexpired terms. <br />M/S/P Novak/Morgan to reappoint Howard Michels and Vikki Gifford <br />to 3-year terms, to serve until December 31, 1984. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to reappoint Bob Dreher to a3-year term to <br />serve until December 31, 1984. The Council agreed that the policy <br />on consecutive terms would not take effect until the hew Ordinance <br />is formally adopted and published and each Commission member is <br />made fully aware of the new policies, <br />2. Cancelled <br />3. LEGAL COUNSEL: Ray Marshall present._ <br />--Novak - I abstained because I was concerned about the conflict <br />of interest or the appearance of it. I have since looked at <br />the alternatives the City has and I am satisfied with the present <br />City Attorney; and, Ithink the conflicts that have occured have <br />been handled. <br />--Morgan - I have no reservations about Ray personally or profes- <br />sionally. There was a conflict of interest with the firm a year <br />ago and it -is worse now that we are renting from one of the <br />partners in the firm. <br />--Eder - is there anything we can do to improve our operations <br />legally? <br />--Marshall - none that he can think of.. <br />--Eder - sometimes the Council'`s intent is not altogether clear <br />as you do not attend meetings. <br />--Marshall - yes, there are times when the Council's intent and <br />questions are not clear. He would be happy to attend meetings <br />when something difficult or controversial comes up. <br />--Fraser - perhaps he should be there when the Gun Club and the <br />Cimarron Golf Course come up. <br />--Eder - expressed his concern over poor communication on the <br />"no passing" problem on Highway 5. <br />--Novak - suggested the Attorney come in whenever there is a <br />question or problem on performance and not wait until annual <br />appointment time, <br />Council discussed best approach to assuring adequate legal <br />assistance on complicated issues. Marshall explained that he <br />attempts to provide definitive answers on legal questions when <br />one is available, The law is in flux and all questions are not <br />adequately covered. Some attorneys have definite answers on <br />all questions and, in effect, set policy, He prefers to have <br />Council adopt policy and askbim if it is legally sound or if there <br />are any legal risks in doing so. <br />--Morgan - Do you work for Brookfield Company? <br />--Marshall - not personally <br />--Morgan expressed concern that the Watershed District may <br />( often have different objective than the City and that this may <br />be a conflict, <br />--Marshall - Can be different; but, to date, have not had any actual - <br />conflict. As long as he has more than one client - i5 not in the <br />exclusive employ of the City- there is always a potential for conflict <br />between his clients, Whenever there is, he advises both clients <br />that he cannot represent thrm c __ �,___ <br />