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.L CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 -5- <br />PProcVure for* Public Hearings, -,,Continued <br />1—.The Mayor or Committee Chairman should remain in control, <br />( Meeting should not be turned over to the proponents, The Chair <br />should recognize questions and referee the answering of questions. <br />Back and forth argument between two or more people should not <br />be allowed, Following the question period the Chair should <br />thrank the proponents and have them sit down in the audience. <br />2, The Chairman should then announce that this is the time for <br />the public to express their views. The proponents should not <br />be allowed to interject their views at this time. This is_U e <br />time for public comment, not for refuting public comment. <br />3, The Council or Committee should expect to hold their <br />discussion, express their views and make the necessary decision. <br />--Council agreed and directed the Administrator to write up this <br />policy. <br />--Eder .. suggested this be brought out in Newsletter and put <br />on the wall of the meeting room, <br />4, B. LENGTH OF MEETINGS: <br />--Morgan - they should be shortened. <br />--Council - put licenses on after claims and handle all with <br />one vote, <br />--Fraser - Thinks the meetings would improve if: 1) Mayor would <br />clearly state each Agenda item as they come up, 2) each Council <br />member would be permitted to speak once to the issue before <br />anyone speaks a second time, 3) discussion in this manner were <br />limited to two rounds of the Council, and 4) discussion were <br />limited to just the Agenda item at hand. <br />M/S/P Novak/Eder to try this approach to running the meetings. <br />5, GUN CLUB PERMIT; <br />Whittaker.explained that he has found that few other cities have <br />good ordinances or standards for Gun Club construction and <br />operation. He had found a firm to evaluate the construction and <br />safety on the range and the Mn/PCA had agreed to evaluate the <br />noise evaluation report prepared by the Oakdale Gun Club. It <br />was his opinion that the Council ought to visit several other <br />Metropolitan area clubs during the shooting season and that they <br />ought to visit the Oakdale Gun Club during a tournament to see <br />how they compare in scope and type of operation. The company <br />reviewing the construction standards would not be able to complete <br />the review until Spring, when they can visit the site and better <br />evaluate the design and protection built into the club facilities. <br />He recommended that the Council consider renewing the permit for <br />the full year, for 1982, allowing the club to plan and organize <br />its activities as they must do before the season starts; and <br />continue to work on the review of our standards and the permit <br />for consideration before the -permit is considered in 1983. <br />( ®Eder would like a schedule of events and hours of operation <br />and a report on the Club"s intentions with respect to the noise <br />improvements recommended in their noise evaluation report, before.. <br />the Council renews the permit for 1982. <br />