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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 -6- <br />5, GUN CLUB - CONTINUED: <br />--Mottaz - said he wanted to clear up the impression that the <br />City did not intend to renew the permit or planned to close the <br />club this year, He said that was never the intent. He said <br />the City has been defining and clarifying the conditions under <br />which all Conditional Use Permits are granted over the past few <br />years and this needs to be done for the Oakdale Gun Club. He <br />said the record is very poor. He said this is mostly an <br />administratove process and he is sorry if it has caused hard <br />feelings, <br />--Eder - would like to know how plans for 1982 season compare <br />with 1981 season and how the club will be managed in 1982. <br />=Fraser - not so concerned with safety or noise standards as <br />she is with the nuisance of the noise that is head widely. <br />She also thinks it is time to question if this is an appropriate <br />facility for this area as it develops. <br />--Novak - would go along with a permit for 1982 if we have firm <br />limits on the number of events and tournments. She, too, would <br />like to know who will be in charge and how the Club plans to <br />handle traffic and parking, People are more concerned with <br />the quantity of shooting and the hours than they are with actual <br />loudness, <br />-:-Fred Waterous, Oakdale Gun Club President - said the club could <br />provide this information before the February 16 Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to proceed with consideration of renewal for <br />1982, as indicated in the discussion, <br />6. A, USE OF FIRE HALL -CITY HALL: <br />Whittaker explained that the Firemen had asked to control the <br />use of the meeting room in the Fire Hall, They would like to <br />make some improvements and have the meeting room serve as a <br />social room as well. <br />The Council felt that this meeting room ought to stay a community <br />room scheduled byythe City, rather than the firemen. They felt <br />there was a need for such a facility in the community and that <br />the new Council Chambers should be reserved for government <br />meetings,only. <br />--Fraser - suggested use be limited to civic groups, fraternal <br />organizations, youth groups and locally based non-profit groups, <br />--Council - instructed Whittaker to look into fees for use of the <br />facilities with the possibility that fees could be turned over <br />to the Fire Department. <br />6. C. (1) and (2) RESERVATION OF PARK FACILITIES: <br />--Morgan - Parks Commission had strong feelings about the hockey <br />rinks, feeling the rink ought to be available for open skating <br />because the open skating area is not big enough, <br />--Novak - there are lots of boys - and girls - playing hockey <br />and she would like to accomodate some formal hockey practice <br />time on the hockey rink. <br />--Whittaker - suggested a schedule would actually make it easier <br />for people who want to use the rinks, Clear times would be set <br />aside for free skating and hockey practice and everyone would <br />know in advance. Talking about reserving 7 hours a week out of <br />50 for hockey. Suggested one hour each evening and hours before <br />noon on weekends. <br />