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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />APRIL 6, 1982 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. <br />COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Fraser, Mottaz and Novak. Also, City Administrator <br />Whittaker. Morgan absent. <br />1. AGENDA - Additions: <br />- 4. License for Nordling Construction <br />3.2 license for Green Acres <br />- 7.D. Co 5/Brookfield ditch <br />- 8.C. Mayor Eder report <br />- 9. 4 miscellaneous items <br />- Delete: <br />- 7.D. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to adopt the agenda as amended. <br />2. MINUTES - MARCH 16, 1982 <br />Corrections:~ <br />• page 2, Item 7 - Total amount $67261-99 $6,260.00. <br />• page 7, Item 13. F. - Eder would like key €sL-4A.that includes <br />the office area. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to approve the minutes of 3/16/82 as amended. <br />3. CLAIMS - Additions: <br />82403 - Registration and fees for State <br />82404 - City Managers conference $ 201.72 <br />82405 - Seigfried - City Office - $10,026.84 <br />less 10% for work completion $9,024.16 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to approve Claims 82361 thur 82405. <br />4. LICENSES - Additions: <br />- Nordling Construction <br />2576 7th Ave. <br />No. St. Paul <br />M/S/P Novak/Mottaz to approve the following licenses: <br />General Contractor: Multi -Roofing, Inc., 524 Selby , St. Paul <br />Nordling Construction, 2576 7th Ave. No. St. Paul <br />Htng/Air Condition: Apollo Heating &;:Ventilating, 6440 Hwy 36 <br />Oakdale, Mn. 55109 <br />Sewer Installer Leo Excavating, 2275 Neal Ave, Stillwater, Mn. <br />M/S/P Eder/Novak to approve a temporary non -intoxicating malt liquor <br />license for Deluxe Check Printers, 1050 W. Co. F., St. Paul - party <br />at Green Acres. <br />Eder recommended that the application form include a signature <br />line for the applicant. Council agreed. <br />5. CIMARRON GOLF COURSE CUP STEVEN TAYLOR - The Council reviewed <br />a pettion,i vitiated by Cimarron resident Birger Olson, signed <br />by several residents adjacent to the golf course endorsing <br />the managements mowing practices and proposal to increase the <br />protection barrier between the course and adjacent homes, <br />