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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 18, 1982 <br />-2- <br />VITA COURSE INFORMATION - Whittaker distributed a pamphlet from the <br />Park Commission explaining a VITA course. <br />ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES - <br />Fraser notified the Council that the annual meeting of the Assoc. <br />of Metropolitan Municipalities will be held May 26 at the Sherton <br />Inn; and urged interested Council members to attend. <br />Councillor Mottaz arrived at 7:15. <br />DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - <br />Whittaker referred the Council to the letter from County Engineer, <br />Chuck Swanson, stating that the County could not support the <br />City's request for a tow away zone along Demontreville Trail by the <br />Demontreville Access. The County Board agreed to go with the City <br />and County Attorney to the County Court Judges and encourage them <br />to increase the parking violation fines from $5 to $20 or $25. <br />If,the Council supports this action, a meeting can be set-up for <br />Friday. <br />Officers Report on the access - <br />--Deputy Heuer - access is a mess <br />--Deputy Swanson - wrote a total of 25 tickets this weekend.and <br />turned many fishermen away because there was no parking available. <br />Access location is bad. Have had one accident, with injuries, <br />this summer. Only place fishermen have to go to secure their <br />boat when they leave the lake, is across the road in the "No <br />Parking zone. When a boat is using the access you have fishermen <br />waiting on the travel portion of the road to use the access. <br />--Greg Fouks - 7864 Demontreville Tr. - Attended County Board <br />meeting. County Board seems totally unaware of how bad the <br />situation is. County Board and DNR have recommended that the <br />residents pressure the City to close the access & push the DNR access. <br />--Swanson - has mixed feelings on a tow away zone - may be creating <br />more problems. Still going to have problems if the access is <br />closed.- access will be taken all along the shoreline. <br />--Fouks - if,proper, enforceable access cannot be developed, <br />then close it - <br />--Whittaker - DNR acquisition of property from Derrick is in limbo. <br />DNR is going to sue Derrick for clear title - covenants cloud <br />the title. This may take more time than condemnation. <br />--Fraser - not convinced that the DNR parking lot will solve <br />the problem, nor is closing the access the answer. <br />--Mottaz - opposes closing the access. <br />--Novak - does not think closing the access is the answer. The <br />burden is not just the City's, have to have the support of other <br />legal bodies - would like to do something as far as the County <br />and Sheriff's Office. <br />--Mottaz -f_Am ltaX7;with the area for 35-40 years. Have had the <br />safest springs "and least amount of abuse to the whole area since <br />the public access has been opened. County Board is aware of the <br />problem - have asked for higher fines and for posts and cables <br />along the shoulders, in the past. <br />--Swanson - any car or portion of a car parked on the travel portion <br />of the roadway can be legally towed - without permission from <br />the County. <br />M/S/P.Mottaz/Morgan to recommend and encourage the County Court to <br />increase the "No Parking" fine to $25. Motion carried 4-0. <br />