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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 18, 1982 -3- <br />DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - <br />--Morgan - for the present cannot close the access. Recommended <br />that the Administrator to write the DNR indicating that the City <br />cannot handle the present situation and that the City may be <br />forced to close the access after this year; and request them <br />to expedite their acquisition and plans for their access and <br />parking lot. Also, a sign indicating the fine for violation <br />of the parking regulation and indicating violators will be <br />towed should be placed at the access. The Council unaminously <br />supported the sign by the access. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to hire off -duty deputies to patrol the <br />Demontreville access the weekends of May 22/23 and May 29/30/31 <br />from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. <br />LAKE JANE PUMP & FLOOD SITUATION - <br />Ken Evenoff, 9199 Jane Road N, informed the Council that the water <br />level on Lake Jane is rising 1/2" per day; and, requested Council <br />support in encouraging the DNR to permit Valley Branch to begin <br />pumping the lake when it reaches 921 rather than the required 923. <br />—Whittaker - Watershed District has called the City and asked <br />for City support to put -'..diesel pump in and install additional <br />pipe .with the help of the City crew. <br />--Evenoff - another problem is the boat traffic on the lake. <br />Requested the City ask the DNR to limit horsepower on the lake <br />until the water level is lowered. Presently, when boats go by <br />their wake washes over the retaining wall and splashs<water on <br />the house. <br />Whittaker will call the DNR and request they post a temporary sign <br />requesting boat operators to reduce their speed until the water <br />level is lowered. The City Engineer will have a report on the <br />water level later in the meeting. <br />6. HAMMES - MOVING BUILDINGS - <br />The Council reviewed the Building Inspectors memo on the status <br />of the five moved-in.buildings on the Hammes property. He recom- <br />mended that the buildings be permanently located before winter. <br />As several extensions have been granted to permit location and <br />foundation work to be completed, the Council asked the Hammes' <br />what�they intend to do with the structures. <br />--Dorothy.._Hammes - Bruce Folz is working on a plan to locate the <br />houses on their property, will be coming before the PZC for a <br />cluster development on the 40A parcel north of loth Street. Still <br />trying to sell one of the houses; but may locate it in the cluster. <br />Plan should be ready by the June14 PZC meeting. <br />--Morgan willing to defer action until after the PZC meeting. <br />--Mottaz - what is the status of the other buildings that were <br />to be placed on permanent foundations and/or torn down? Problem <br />isn't just one house that has to be relocated. <br />--Dorothy Hammes - still have one building to take down. Second <br />garage is not in its final location because have to get the other <br />building out. Intend to have the other buildings set -down by fall. <br />T-Novak - still need a time limit - 2 years is long enough to locate <br />buildings. <br />M/ Mottaz to defer action and -talk to the City Attorney to <br />determine how the City can ensure the necessary work is completed <br />in a designated period of time in order to avoid making continual <br />extensions. Motion died for lack of second. <br />