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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 18, 1982 <br />9. ENGINEER'S REPORT - I <br />B. Bids for Tablyn Park Parking Area and Driveway - Engineer Bohrer <br />reported tFiat t e� Higfway Department will accept a bituminous -spill- <br />way provided the City agrees to maintain the spillways, The <br />low bidder has agreed to reduce the bid quote by $1,057.08 to <br />compensate for the price difference between the bituminous spillways <br />and the metal flumes that were bid. <br />The PAC recommended that the City accept the low bid and <br />the cost reduction for the bituminous spillway. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to award the Tablyn Park parking area and <br />driveway contract to Ace Blacktop, Inc, for the low bid price <br />of $9,238.83; and approve Change Order No, 1, for blacktopped <br />spillways, in the amount of $1,057.08, as recommended by the <br />City Engineer (memo May 17, 1982 - Tablyn Park Parking Lot Bids) <br />and the City Park Commission. Motion carried 4-0. <br />C. Re ort on CSAH 17 repaving - Engineer Bohrer indicated there <br />was nothing more to report odder than the County is.going to <br />overlay County 17 this summer, <br />D. Cost Estimate to Survey and Identify Right -of -Way Needs on <br />Klondike_- Tne Council reviewed the Engineer's sketch indicating <br />minimum needstheCity should have to provide, for a right-of-way,on <br />Klondike -to the south end of the Novak property and right-of-way for <br />a turn -around. TheEngineerrecommended. a 40 ft. wife r-o-w on <br />Klondike and a 120' x 120' square for the turn around. <br />( M/S/ Mottaz/Morgan to request Washington County to deed Lake <br />Elmo a 40 ft. wide right-of-way strip for Klondike Avenue, from the end of <br />present Klondike to the south end of the Robert Novak property, and, <br />right-of-way for a 120' x 1201 square turn -around on County park <br />property. This request is based on the fact Klondike Avenue has <br />been historically used as a residential City street, maintained <br />by the City of Lake Elmo;and because the County has purchased <br />all of the surrounding property, Klondike Avenue will not be <br />extended. <br />Discussion - <br />Bohrer - Consideration should be given to obtaining property from <br />Novaks should Klondike ever be improved in the future; also <br />the County should be notified that the gate and fence may have <br />to be ;relocated for the turn -around. <br />Motion carried 3-0-1. Novak abstained <br />E. Status Report on Keats Avenue - Bohrer reported that tenative <br />F- Fe-. <br />agreementdiasdeen reacdied �aitFthe Slawsons and Doris Buberl. He <br />is waiting for a figure from the Slawson's He determined the <br />Buberl easment could be eliminated by putting in a curb area along <br />her property and eliminat nq_the ditch. Bohrer reported that sDme <br />residents along Keats have requested the excess material. The Council <br />agreed that any excess material will be available to the Keats Ave. <br />residents. The Council also instructed the engineer to look at the <br />fill needs for Demontreville Park, per the PAC recommendation, as <br />a location for depositing excess material from Keats, <br />