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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 15, 1982 <br />-2- <br />5. DE:Nardo STORAGE AREA AT OLD CITY OFFICE: <br />Mr' DeNardo explained his proposal to construct a cedar fenced, <br />plank based storage area behind the old City Office building, <br />which he presently rents from the City. He also asked if the City <br />crew would be available to do some excavating and leveling of the area. <br />--Mottaz - no problems with the storage area; but recommended Mr. <br />DeNardo contract with an outside firm to do the grading work, at <br />his expense. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to approve the construction of a storage area <br />behind the old City Office building for DeNardo Associates, per <br />the plans and specification presented to the City Council, Motion <br />carried 3-0. <br />The Council specified Mr. DeNardo will be responsible for all <br />excavation work in the storage area. <br />10. COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A,- Mayor Eder - 1—Lake-Jane Trail - No Parking Area <br />Mayor Eder recommen e esta is ing a o Par ing ,zone along <br />Lake Jane Trail in the area of the lake access. The zone <br />would be from Jamaca to 45th Street on both sides of Lake Jane <br />Trail. <br />The Council directed the Administrator to include the north <br />and south side of Lake Jane Trail, from,Jamaca Avenue N. to <br />45th Street in the "No Parking" Ordinance, presently being <br />drafted. <br />2,'31st Street & County 6 Inter'sec'tion - Eder recommended <br />�`o -. <br />thatTposts Be -placed in t e old roadbed of 31St;Street at Co, 6. <br />to discourage people from driving through the ditch area. The <br />Council agreed, Whittaker will notify the Maintenance Forman. <br />B. Councillor Fraser <br />1—P'i'cture Rail inCouncil Chambers - The Council directed <br />the Administrator to get an estimate for installing a picture <br />rail in the Council Chambers, The picture area would be available <br />to local artists for display of their work.. <br />C. Councillor Mottaz - No report <br />11. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT; <br />A. Planning Commission Recommendations - <br />1 Sewer in Comp Pl:an - Whittaker reported on the PZC recommendation <br />to delete reference to the 6,000 sewer unit reserve in the Comp Plan. <br />He gave the background necessitating this,action and reported <br />on the meeting between the PZC and the property owners in Sec, 32. <br />The City is waiting for a -letter,- from the Waste Control Commission <br />assuring Lake Elmo that the units that have been assessed and <br />paid for by property owners in Section 32 will be available as <br />development needs necessitate. <br />--Mottaz - based on current information and figures on the Waste/ <br />/ Energy Plant, the minimum waste water requirements would be 1200 <br />\- units with a maximum need being 1800 units - water scrubbers would <br />require additional capacity. These figures should be included <br />in the City's projected sewer needs. <br />--Whittaker - City can include the Waste/Energy Plant as long <br />as it is a reasonable possibility. Will get more exact figures on <br />units needed by a W/E Plant and include them in the sewer needs. <br />