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06-15-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-15-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 15, 1982 <br />-3- <br />1. Sewer Comp Plan - Continued <br />/ The Planning Commission will hold a hearing on amending the <br />1 sewer unit reserve sections of the Comp Plan rn July 12 at 7:45 p.m <br />On Site Sewage Treatment ordinance - Whittaker suggested <br />that the Council pt-the new County Model On -Site Treatment <br />Ordinance that adopts State Standard.WPC-40. As'the, �Wl Study <br />determi,ngd that that Lake Elmo will not needmetropolitansewer, <br />the Metropolitan Council requires that WPC740 be adopted for <br />managing on -site systems. The ordinance has been reviewed <br />by the City Engineer and Building Inspector. Whittaker will <br />forward a copy of the ordinance to the Council for review. <br />--Eder - recommended the Administrator draft a cost estimate <br />and`fee�bchedule for implementing the ordinance inspection <br />.requirement. <br />6. HAMMES HOUSEMOVING AND SKETCH PLAN: The Council reviewed a letter from <br />B.ruce_Folz, retained by -Wm. Hammes,Ur., proposing a design for a'phased <br />seven lot subdivision. Phase 1 would contain a 2A parcel that <br />would be used for locating one of Mr. Hammes' houses. The site <br />would have access off of loth Street. Mr. Folz requested this <br />lot be approved by a one lot ,subdivision. The ramainibg <br />lots would be served from a new street that would be deterMined <br />when the design is completed. <br />The Council then reviewed the Ariministrator's letter of response <br />indicating that the entire parcel..or cluster has to <br />be platted to qualify for a 1 1/2 a lot in Rural Residential, <br />otherwise the owner would have to plat a 10 acre lot. <br />--Eder - want Hammes' aware that all seven lots have to be <br />platted —cannot plat one lot in a cluster development - the <br />design of a seven lot clusterApd-subdivision does not serve as <br />a platted cluster. <br />--Dorothy Lyons - is aware that the seven lots have to be platted. <br />Tie Council reviewed the status of the five move -in buildings <br />with -Mr. Hammes and Mrs. -Lyons.' <br />--Bill Hammes - indicated-onSstorage building is in place on a <br />foundation. A second building should be complete b June 30. <br />A third gar4ge is not located as it will replace an old building <br />that has to be torn down. He wants to get the first house on <br />footings and a foundation before deciding on the second house. <br />--Mottaz - the second house is presently in violation as there <br />was no permit issued for moving it. <br />--Eder - recommended Mr. Hammes prepare a sketch plan committing <br />10 acres to each house then begin work on locating them on each <br />site. <br />--Dorothy Lyons - not planning to sell either house. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to grant a final extension to William Hammes <br />to complete placement of two houses and two but -buildings on perma- <br />nent foundations. Work to be completed as 'follows: Completion of <br />storage buiding presently on footings by June 30. Second storage <br />building to be placed on a foundation and work completed by July 30, <br />1982. Two houses to be placed on permanent foundations in an approved <br />plat by September. 30, 1982. The Administrator will be instructed to <br />begin legal action for removal of the structures should the work <br />not be completed within the designated extension period. Motion <br />carried 3-0 <br />
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