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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 15, 1982 <br />8. ENGINEER''S,VPQRT:.\ <br />A.,Bid's '- Ya'a'Gs Aiz'er�lz� SSAro'jet - <br />Rohrer ups ate-T the Council of the status of the beats Avenue <br />improvement, Mn/DOT has approved the plans. Approval from <br />VBWD is expected later in the week, He reported that the <br />easements to be condemned have been reviewed by the Court <br />appointed Commissioners. A final hearing will be set to make <br />a final judgement' Five property owners are challenging <br />the easements. Bohrer reviewed their positions. - <br />The Council reviewed the bid summary with the Engineer. As the bids <br />came in lower than were estimated at the feasibility hearing, and the <br />project will not use all of the construction funds available; <br />the.Engineer requested and received approval from the State <br />Aid Engineer to include the right—of-way as an eligible cost. <br />All factors considered, the Engineer indicated that the assessed <br />amount at the time of the bid opening is slightly less than was <br />estimated at the time of the feasibility hearing. <br />MIS/0 Mottaz/Fraser to accept the bids for the Keats Avenue. Motion <br />carried 3-0 <br />The Engineer recommended accepting the low bid from Husting & Engstrom <br />when the bids are awarded. Contract will bot be awarded until all easements are <br />secured. <br />B. Demontr-Iv'i'1te Trail Re'al3gnnient - <br />Eng�''ineer Bo rer presented a doncept plan for the realignment <br />of Demontreville Trail that would allow placement of the <br />proposed DNR public access and parking facilities to be located <br />between Demontreville Trail and Lake Demontreville, The Council's <br />intention is to provide a safer public access to the lake. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser that Lake Elmo accept the concept plan <br />for the ralignment of Demontreville Trail as suggested by <br />Engineer Bohrer in his letter of June 11, 1982; and, that <br />this plan be forwarded to the DNR and to County Commissioner <br />Schaefer asking his support with the County Board. Further <br />that efforts be made to negotiate a land trade with the owner <br />of Lot 8, Demontreville Highlands, for the 0°1 acre of land <br />needed. This design is needed to provide the maximum safety <br />for those using the boat landing as well as for those using <br />Demontreville Trail. This plan would provide for better <br />policing as well as the best separation from private home <br />owners. The cost of the realignment should be paid for by the <br />DNR and Washington County. <br />Discussion: <br />--Fraser - individual Council members should lobby this request <br />with Commissioner Shaefer. The City Administrator and Mottaz <br />should personally view this area with Mr. Schaefer. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />9. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. 'Boar'dl of R'eViewa., \ As'sessors Recommendatharis <br />Thy CouCouncil-revr'ewe the follpwing ol?:anges: <br />Michael Chilefone - Plate 37085-3250 <br />Richard Winandy - Plate 37735-2025 <br />- Decrease Building <br />value $600 <br />Decrease land valuation <br />$5,000 <br />