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CITY CQUNCLL MEETING, July 20, 1982 <br />page 2 <br />on future requests; legality of this type ( part of parcel) rezoning; <br />and addressing future development of entire corridor with Planning <br />Commission and Council input. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 7935 to rezone building <br />site from Rural Residential to Highway Business as legally described: <br />the Ez of SW-4 of Sec. 34, T29, R21; excepting Parcels A, B, C, and D <br />F as described on Development Application Form J ; and subject to <br />pipe line easement to Standard Oil Company and easement for public <br />highways; and reservations, restrictions or easement of record, <br />if any. <br />(5 ayes) <br />6. ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Bids, MSE Project - M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to adopt <br />Resolution 82-41, <br />TO ACCEPT LOW BID OF $170,613.25 FROM HUSTING AND ENGSTROM, <br />HASTINGS, MN, FOR KEATS AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. (5 ayes) <br />B. Condemnation Awards MSA Project - Regarding permanent and <br />temporary easements for construction of Keats Avenue, Mr. Bohrer <br />explained: he is waiting for written judgment, 7/20/82 memo is verbal; <br />total amount of condemnation awards, court costs and settled easements <br />( to date is $10,917.77; every tree that can be will be saved after work <br />is staked out; trees 4" dia will be transplanted as stated in contract, <br />but can't guarantee growth since transplants will be done in August. <br />Mrs. Raleigh was present to state her concerns about the many trees <br />that are to be removed in front of her property. Eder assured her that <br />any trees transplanted or any more -complex methods used to save trees <br />on her property could be negotiated; however, expenses and trees saved <br />would be deducted from the condemnation award of $5,600. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to accept MSA Condemnation Awards for easements <br />for the Keats Avenue improvement project. (5 ayes) <br />Acceptance of Appraiser's expenses will be decided when written notice <br />is received from the court. <br />C. Watermain Crossing Bids M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to receive <br />. bids for watermain crossing. (5 ayes) RR permit forthcoming. <br />D. Old Village Drainage Issues - Engineer Bohrer explained <br />drainage problems in area; advised by City Attorney that City has <br />no_ established easement rights;, has contacted William Hagberg <br />and John Lengyl, owners of property involved—Lehgyl will give City <br />permission to do work, Hagberg will grant 1' of 2' removal request (con- <br />cerned water will back up into Lions Park although Bohrer explained to <br />him that Bro '<man Pond now takes care of that problem). <br />