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07-20-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-20-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, July 20, 1982 <br />page 3 <br />® Whittaker said that cutoff of drainage on Schiltgen's field is also <br />causing water to back up into Roger's lumberyard (elevation on <br />lumberyard initially determined by ditch elevation in field); could <br />negotiate, condemn, or go to court and claim damages to lumberyard and <br />C1ty. <br />® Novak and Fraser agreed that instead of "court talky" the better way <br />to go would be discussions with these people to willingly allow work <br />to be done. <br />® Whittaker will talk to Schiltgeh to see if agreeable solution can be <br />arrived at. <br />M/S/P Eder/Novak to instruct Engineer and City Administrator to work <br />out a list of solutions that are acceptable to property owners regarding <br />Old Village drainage problems. (5 ayes) <br />7. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. Solid Waste <br />(1) Waste to Energy - <br />® Mottaz reported on his trip to energy plant. in Boston. Written report <br />will be completed this coming week and sent out to Councillors and <br />petitioners opposing the plant, to include detailed history and <br />information on whole process. Surprising aspects were: no odor (had to <br />i be within 50' of overfilled area to smell anything); noise not an <br />apparent problem; located in area where expensive homes line waterfront; <br />and cleanliness of surrounding area. Other comments: ash is constantly <br />monitored by state of MA (stricter than MN) and dropped into marsh area — <br />no problems with metal content, etc; and is a paying proposition (such <br />as tax breaks and selling steam to GE). <br />0 Fraser (visited plant in Boston with Mottaz) emphasized the lack of <br />odor, and her overall impression is that this is a power plant as <br />opposed to a garbage dumping facility. <br />Other Comments: <br />• Morgan - Council has to get together and come up with a list of demands <br />that the City is going to require for such a plant —acreage; aesthetically <br />pleasing? road requirements? to be given to planners in early <br />development stage. <br />• Consensus of Councillors was that they would submit list of suggestions <br />to Mottaz or Whittaker before the next meeting. <br />® Eder - Suggests environmental impact statement. <br />• Fraser - Regarding motion which follows, suggested that "future <br />location" be guaranteed up to so many years. <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan to adopt Resolution 81-42, <br />THAT, SUBJECT TO CONSIDERATION OF OTHER REQUESTS TO BE FORWARDED BY <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO AT A LATER DATE, THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO WILL NOT <br />OPPOSE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASS -BURNING RESOURCE RECOVERY PLANT <br />
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