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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1982 <br />SPECIAL MEETING ON HIGHWAY PLAN <br />Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 6:12 p.m. <br />Councillors Present: Novak, Mottaz and Fraser, Morgan Absent, <br />Also present, Administrator Whittaker <br />Eder explained that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a <br />Lake Elmo position for a meeting with the City of Oakdale and the <br />Washington County Highway Department to talk about the realignment <br />of 50th Street and relocation of CSAH designations. <br />County 13 r"Relocation - The Council reviewed the proposed relocation <br />of County around t e east side of Lake Jane; and agreed that,based <br />on the area left to develop in this section and the traffic that would <br />be generated, a collector in this area is not justified. This would <br />concur with the County''s past action of not including this proposal <br />in their Capital Improvement Program, The improvement of Keats and <br />future improvement of City MSA streets from Lake Jane to CSAH 17 and <br />Highway 36 would handle futureresidentialtraffic from the -area. <br />Exiting south to State Highway 5 would probably be a preferred route <br />for residents south of Lake Jane. <br />County 19� - The City wants to see County 19 built as a parkway type <br />road coming up to the Regional Park; but have requested via R- <br />that this not be designated a County State Aid Highway, <br />--Mottaz - County will have to pick up some CSAH-designation for Co, 19, <br />The Council agreed that the State Aid designation for CASH 17 from I-94, <br />Highway 12,to loth Street, which must be given up once I-94 is completed, <br />should be assigned to loth Street from CSAH 17 to proposed County 19. <br />CASH 17 would remain a State -aid highway from loth Street to Highway 5, <br />50th,Street - The Council decided not to give up CSAH desig`,'ation for <br />Demontrevillle Trail in order to expedite construction of 50th Street <br />in Oakdale, The Council wants to see 50th Street realigned to Highway <br />36 and agreed to give up CSAH designation on CSAH 6 from Highway 5 to <br />the City limit, If Oakdale would give up their CSAH designation for <br />CSAH 6 from 13B to Highway 120, there would then be adequate CSAH <br />designation to build 50th Street, <br />NO PARKING ZONE ON CSAH 17 <br />Whittaker advised the Council that the County Highway Department wanted the <br />City to repuest a "No Parking" zone be posted on CSAH 17, both sides, from <br />State Highway 5 to a point about 300 feet south. He said the County wanted <br />this so that they could cut down on the flagrant parking violations now <br />occuring there.,. <br />Novak - wondered why this was not brought up at LEBA meeting on this inter- <br />section. <br />Fraser - thought the Council should let property owners know about this before <br />acting on it, <br />Eder - if you tell property owners about this, they might take care of the <br />/ problem <br />Council agreed that City Administrator should meet with Larry Bousquet and the <br />affected property owners to better define the problem and determine if it <br />could be solved without posting a "No Parking" zone. <br />