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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1982 <br />-2- <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. . <br />1. AGENDA - Additions: <br />4. Browning Ferris Industries of Mn. - Waste Hauler <br />5. Budget Surveys <br />7. Dave Bonestroo - Septic System <br />12. A. Gun Club Rep - Tour of Gun Club <br />13. E. VBWD - Use of Council Chambers for meetings <br />14..C. League Memo of July 29 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to adopt the agenda as amended. Carried 4-0. <br />2. MINUTES - July 20, 1982 - <br />Correction - Page 2 Item 6. B. Vote 45-apes}(4 ayes;Novak nay) <br />M/S/P Novak/Mottaz to approve the minutes of July 20, 1982, as <br />amended. Carried 4-0. <br />3. CLAIMS - Additions: <br />82801 - CNW Railroad - Watermain.Permit $700.00 <br />82802 - Peterson Building Maint. - City Office $ 65.00 <br />M/S./P Mottaz/Fraser to approve claims 82747 thru 82802. Carried 4-0. <br />4. LICENSES - <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder to approve the following licenses: <br />Browning Ferris Industries of Mn. - Waste Hauler <br />3.2 Beer License - Green Acres Rec, for Schanno Transportation, Inc. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />5. PUBLIC HEARING FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 7:18 p.m. There being no public <br />comments on the use of the Federal Revenue Sharing funds, Eder <br />*Amended closed the hearing at 7:20 p.m.*Following a brief discussion the Council <br />/17/82 agreed to consider designating FRSa'Funds for police services in 1983. <br />6. BUILDING PERMIT - Crawley., 75 Cimarron - <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to approve a building permit for a porch <br />addition at 75 Cimarron for Pat Crawley. Carried 4-0. <br />7. PUBLIC INQUIRIES - Dave Bonestroo - 8211 Hill Trail N. - <br />Mr. Bonestroo explained that his present septic system is failing <br />and a newwdrainfield is needed to replace the current seepage <br />tanks. The back yard is the only area available to locate the new <br />system. This construction requires a variance from the Shoreland <br />Ordinance and DNR-approval:, to -permit the last run to be 561-°at the <br />farthest point and 36' at the closest point to the lake; a septic <br />system permit, requiring the system to be properly sized for the <br />number of bedrooms and the soil perculation rates; and a variance <br />from the septic system permit to permit the drainfield to be within <br />10' of the house; A retaining wall is proposed along the last run <br />to the west. This is necessary to install the last run and secure <br />the bank area. <br />--Engineer Bohrer - Has reviewed the site; does not see any problems <br />with the variances; variances frnm the, horizontal high water mark <br />setback have been granted in the past for previously platted property, <br />where no other area is available on the lot; system will. be .in natural <br />ground- will not be built in fill, retaining wall is proposed for <br />two reasons: (1) it will help dispose of the excess material from <br />the trench excavation - material cannot be spread on the bank , too <br />hard to stabalize & lot shape impedes getting a truck_ in to haul out <br />the material. <br />