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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1982 <br />-3- <br />Bone:stroo Continued <br />--Engineer Bohrer - (2) provides a flat <br />-- needed additional trench. No health or <br />with the 10'variance from the house. <br />--Novak - auestioned the need 1-n check <br />sure it is functioning properly. <br />--Boncestroo - did not think this would <br />--Mottaz - this variance should require <br />area to construct the <br />structure related problems <br />this system yearly to make <br />be necessary. <br />the same stipu]_ation <br />for annual inspection as was required for Steven. Larson. <br />Whenever a variance is permitted in the. Lanes Demontreville <br />Country Club or J. L. Cohn the inspection requirement should <br />be attached to the variance. concernedaboutthe distance of <br />the last trench from the retaining wall - distance should be <br />the same as from a structure .to prevent moisture from forming. <br />--Bohrer - Explained his understanding of the distance requirement. <br />Pomna:bility"that the third trench will not be as close as indicated <br />on the sketch (6'-7')to the wall. Engineers"Bohrer and Machmeier <br />will review the-perc tests and make a determination on the <br />design of the system before a permit is issued. <br />M/S/P Novak/Mottaz to grant David Bonestroo, 8199 Hill Trail N.",- <br />a'variance from the 751 s Srroreland'Ordinance, etback.to_'permit <br />coristruotiorr of a drainfield and retaining wall within 36' of <br />Lake Olson; and a variance from the 20' Septic Svstem requirement <br />to permit construction of a drainfield no' less thn'n 10' from the house <br />subject to: <br />1. Approval of tfie design and construction of the system <br />and retaining wall from the DNR and City Engineer. <br />2. An 'agreement -between the City of Lake Elmo.and David <br />Bonestroo providing for an.annual inspection and' -report on the <br />system and retaining wall. Said agreement to be in <br />the format of the Development Agreement between the City <br />and Steven Larson <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />WASTE TO ENERGY PLANT - Guidelines <br />The Council had the following comments on the Administrator's memo <br />of July 28, 1982, Re: Waste/Energy Plant Concerns. <br />--Fraser - Page 2, Item 6 - aesthetics -of the plant can be done <br />architecturally rather than cosmetically - no need to put up <br />something ugly and then disguise it. Structure can be functional_ <br />and reasonably attractive. Page 1, Item 1 - is it necessary <br />to expect the prospective plant` purchaser to buy more property <br />than he might need when the land owner would most lzkely'sell <br />the best part of the:property first on the -Open market. <br />---Mottaz - have to see the property -to understand this recommendation. <br />Would preserve a- large wetland area .- keep the facility more <br />isolated from residential - would probably pay as much for the whole <br />parcel as for the 20 best acres - purchaser might not do this unless <br />it is suggested. Talking about 80 acres with 60A being marginal <br />or not buildable. <br />--Eder - Page 2. Item 8 - why use 50( rather than $1.00 per design <br />ton. Would like to see a higher figure. <br />�, --Mottaz - just a discussion figure. Boston plant is $1.00 pdt. <br />