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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 -3- <br />3. E. Intern - Continued <br />ie the Comprehensive Plan-,-the-new-Zoning-Ordinances Mattaz said- <br />this assumes that the Administrator is not being kept busy at this <br />time. Novak suggested that the City Council may have to cut down <br />on the Administrator's responsibilities if the work related to this <br />project becomes too great. <br />The Council agreed to wait until the Counties had reviewed the <br />budget for the Waste/Energy Plant to determine whether or not the <br />City could afford an intern. The Council also discussed the fact <br />that the City may have to employ the City Attorney and Engineer <br />and Planner to review parts of this application and that those <br />costs will have to be taken into account. <br />F. Surface Water Plan - Was not discussed. <br />G. Capital Improvement Program <br />h. Parr The Council agreed that it may be difficult to budget <br />an additional $8,000 into the Park Capital Improvement Program <br />in 1983. Morgan indicated that he would like the Park Commission <br />to review the Capital Improvement Program again before the <br />Council meets on the 21st. Novak indicated that she had great <br />pride in our park system, but, that perhaps more development <br />would significantly increase our maintenance and police costs <br />to a point where it would not be practical to manage this. <br />Mctta.zindicated that, if the Park Commission reviews the plan, <br />he would like to see the Vita Course taken out of the 1983 <br />Budget and he would like the Park Commission to consider putting <br />the Vita Course in a more active park. The Council also agreed <br />that the bleachers in Pebble Park and the playground equipment <br />in Tablyn Park and the tennis courts for Demontreville Park <br />ought to be reevaluated. There is some feeling that these <br />items may not be necessary before 1986. Mottaz expressed his <br />concern that the City might put additional money into this <br />reserve while it still has some of the proceeds of the Park <br />Bonds in this fund. He doubted the wisdom of keeping $60,000 <br />in the reserve when the City is paying 7% interest on the money <br />investing the money at 12% and the cost of the equipment this <br />money will buy is going up at a rate of 9% or more per year. <br />Morgan said that there is a balance in this fund because the <br />Park Commission had been able to generate and match grant monies <br />and save a considerable amount for the City. The Council agreed <br />to ask the Park Commission to review the Capital Improvement <br />Program and make a recommendation September 21. <br />2. Maintenance Department - The Council discussed the philosophy <br />of creating_reserves to buy equipment. Whittaker explained <br />that the City was no longer in a position to put significant <br />amounts of money into reserve each year; because the City was <br />at its State mandated levy limit and did not have sufficient <br />room within that limit to levy for reserves. Whittaker also <br />referred the Council to his August 31 Budget Memo,where he <br />discusses the effect of putting money into reserve. The Council <br />agreed that all additional funds within the levy limit should <br />be levied so that an equipment reserve can be built back up, even <br />though this will not pay for all equipment purchases. The Council <br />expressed its feeling that this reserve will limit the amount the <br />City has to borrow and decrease the amount of interest the City <br />would have to pay for equipment in the future. <br />