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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 <br />3. G. Capital Improvement Program - Continued <br />^:!, Maintenance Department^ <br />The Council- agreed that all equipment on the Maintenance CIP <br />should be given a 10 year life expectancy except for the <br />motor grader and the lawn mowers, which should remain as they <br />are in the present CIP. The Council asked if the City could <br />buy 3 year Equipment Certificates instead of 5 year Equipment <br />Certificates to limit the amount of interest that we would be <br />required to pay on the bonds, should we have to borrow. The <br />Council decided the grader should be moved to 1984 in the CIP. <br />3. Fire Department GIP - The Council made no recommendations <br />for change in this program. <br />4. FINANCING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM/RESERVES - <br />The Council had already discussed this under Item G. <br />5. OTHER BUDGET CONCERNS: <br />A. Waste HaulerLicenses - Whittaker explained that the City <br />rates or lins rae approximately the same as other communities. <br />He also explained that the State now restricts us from charging <br />more than our cost for license fees. The Council agreed that the <br />present $25 rate for these licenses is adequate. <br />B. Building Permit Fees - Whittaker explained that going to the <br />State Fee Sc edule for Building Permits would probably double the <br />City's revenue in this department. The Council instructed the <br />Administrator to find out the actual difference in fees and report <br />to the Council on September 21. <br />C. Revenues - The Council was advised that the revenue from the <br />EMS Fund would only be $600. The Council agreed that the police <br />fine should be listed at $10,000, as the fines in 1982 are likely <br />to reach $10,000 by the end of the year. <br />D. Expenses - The Council agreed that the City should wait at least <br />one more year before considering electronic voting machines. There- <br />fore, the $3,000 in the 1983 Budget under Elections should be eliminated. <br />E. Fines - The Council discussed the fact that the fines from <br />poliE'etickets and complaints do not pay the cost of going to court. <br />They agreed that the City should encourage the Washington County <br />Judges to raise fines so that they at least pay for court costs <br />and the City's legal expenses. <br />Councillor Novak asked for clarification of several items in the <br />proposed budget. <br />The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. <br />