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09-21-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-21-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1982 <br />-2- <br />B. CIP <br />( FParks - Continued - <br />2. The tennis courts in Demontreville 6th will be necessary <br />by 1985 and should remain in the CIP. If the neighborhood <br />does not fully develop by 1985 and no demand is indicated, <br />this can be reevaluated. <br />3. The ballfields planned for Demontreville 6th Add. and <br />Reid Park should not exceed $2500 per field. The City <br />should not budget the engipeer's-estimate of,$13,41.0"for <br />Demontreville or $5,000 for Reid. If necessary, assistance <br />will be secured from the Army Reserve and/or the Jaycees <br />to do the work. -in order to stay within the $2500 per field <br />cost. <br />4. The cost of the Vita Course to be reduced from $5,000 to <br />$3,000. The course should be in Sunfish Park, rather <br />than the landfill, as it is a passive use,rt.fits into the <br />natural setting of Sunfish, and would improve the use <br />use of the park in the summer. Additional improvement to <br />the Vita Course can be made in the future, if desired. CA - <br />Whittaker outlined a program to ensure,adequate funds will be <br />available to subsidize the improved CIP while minimizing interest <br />costs and borrowing needs. <br />1. Combine Fire, Maintenance and Park. Departments Capital <br />Improvement Reserves into one reserve. Revenue surplus <br />left in the.General Fund each year, after operating expenses, <br />would go into the Capital Improvement Reserve. <br />2. The reserve would be used only to purchase approved Capital <br />Improvements in the 5 yr plans for the three departments. <br />3. Balance of costs, not adequately covered, would be paid <br />by Equipment Certificates. <br />4. Donations for specific purposes (is Parks, Fire equipment) <br />would be used only in those departments to pay for items <br />in approved CIP, unless otherwise stipulated by donor. <br />5. Present Park Reserve and Capital Projects Fund will continue <br />to be used exclusively for Parks. <br />6. CIP's will be updated and reviewed annually before budget <br />is approved each year. <br />This is a way to balance the reserves and fund the CIP in all three <br />departments- would have to make sure that every year ,subsequent <br />to 1987®there is enough money to finance the parks. The advantage <br />of this program is simplifying the bookkeeping and having a total <br />picture of CIP expenditures.and needs. <br />--Morgan - likes the present breakdown by individual departments - <br />know what departments are in need and which are not, <br />--Fraser - not sure there is any great advantage in changing the <br />reserve program. As they are set up now/could <br />reserve to cover an expenditure in another. <br />--Novak - making a process out of transferring funds from one reserve <br />to another makes one take a second look at the necessity of the action. <br />--Whittaker - final question is how the the reserves will be divided. <br />Only thing in'thOBudget for,reserves,-now, is $8,000 for Parks. <br />With Increased permit fees and other items discussed, could have <br />about $25,000 total going into some reserve. <br />--Morgan - concern of the Park Commission is that if the reserve is <br />run down to zero then there will be no funds to match the opportunities <br />to get grants; also Equipment Certificates cannot be used to <br />purchase capital improvements for the parks. They felt there should <br />be some minimum put into this reserve to support the program. <br />
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