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09-07-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-07-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1982 <br />Mayor Eder convened the Budget meeting at 5:10 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Mottaz, Novak, Morgan and Fraser. <br />AGENDA: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Eder to approve the Agenda. Carried 5-0. <br />1. PAY PLAN: Council Comments - <br />-- Mottaz - regarding insurance benefits - non -married personnel <br />should not receive a cash equivalent for benefit difference of <br />married personnel. Favors paying total fringe benefits and <br />setting salaries indi.v:dually,, <br />-- Morgan - as previously stated, City should pay total insurance <br />regardless of marital status. <br />Novak - presently, no recommendation. <br />-- Fraser - -rot appropriate to pay one individuals_family health <br />insurance in full -and pay a much lesser sum for an individual who <br />does not need the family plan,without considering some compensation <br />for the individual receiving the lesser amount. Prefers to pay <br />each individual coverage and not tie insurance benefits to salary. <br />Type of insurance coverage should be the option of the individual. <br />--Morgan - coverage should be the same regardless of marital status,, - <br />the increase -in-insurance coverage and salary should be a total of <br />80 - everything should be equalized, <br />--Eder - no matter what is decided there will always be an inequity <br />because of'type of`coverage; job classification, -etc - <br />--Whittaker - one way to get around these problems is to set <br />a maximum payment amount for all employees. This would include <br />disability, hospitalization and life insurance. This would permit <br />the employee to take as much insurance out of the package as they <br />want up to the set amount. Only question is could the employee <br />apply the difference between the maximum amount paid and the <br />amount of coverage they choose towards their salary. <br />--Fraser - no., but the employee oan qualify for City coverage to <br />supplement non -City insurance. <br />--Mottaz — maximum City payment should provide for premium increases. <br />--Whittaker - would not recommend leaving the maximum 'cap' open <br />for premium increases - employees will still be ahead by fixing the <br />dollar amount now. Increased benefits, if they go up, can be <br />negotiated when:_considering 1983 salaries. <br />MIS/ Morgan/Mottaz to set a maximum salary increase for 1983 _ <br />at-8%, including $125,;,max.imum,health, life -and disability insurance <br />benefit., per employee. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />--Novak - questioned the % increase for insurance in the total package. <br />f g:uted:it at about 5.6% - leaving 3.5% increase for salary. Not <br />sure 8% is a realistic number. <br />--Whittaker - Novak's percentages include Fire Department, Animal <br />Control - base figure not accurate for these percentages. <br />Motion carried 4-1. Novak opposed. <br />--Fraser - want it understood that any employee can purchase additional <br />health coverage through the City and benefit from the tax advantages. <br />l <br />
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