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09-07-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-07-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1982 <br />-2- <br />Budget Meeting r <br />1. PAY PLAN - Continued - <br />M/S/ Eder/Morgan to forward the Administrator's recommendations <br />on individual pay rates, per his memo of August 25, 1982, to <br />the Personnel Committee for recommendation to the Council. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />After comments on the necessity of a special meeting to set specific <br />individual salaries, Eder amended his motion to reflect: <br />In addition to referring the recommendations to the Personnel <br />Committee, that for purposes of Budget, that whatever the average <br />percent which would be applicable to salaries be used for purposes <br />of determining program budgets. Morgan seconded the amendment. <br />The Council further discussed the purpose, :-advantages, ,and dis- <br />advantages of having the Personnel recommendations -before the next <br />Council meeting. <br />Amendment carried�'3-2. Novak and Mottaz-opposed. <br />Motion carried 3-2. Novak and Mottaz opposed. <br />--Mottaz - why have another meeting - Administrator capable of <br />answering any questions the Council may have now. Has no problems <br />with the way the Administrator has set up the pay schedule. <br />--Novak - shares Mottaz's position. Has some questions on how <br />the 1983 figures are going to fit into the 8% package. <br />2. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - RESERVES: <br />Whittaker explained the current problems concerning levy limits <br />and reserves(Adminstra.tor's memo of August 31, 1982); and the <br />City's past philosophy on setting up reserves. this philosophy <br />may have to be changed_as the City can no longer generate the <br />necessary money to keep the reserves at the maximum and put money <br />aside for future purchases. <br />--Novak - bad philosophy not to put money away for anticipated future <br />needs <br />--Whittaker - cannot levy enough to build up the reserves, and <br />and purchase 0.uipment in the. same year. - <br />Mottaz CYi;ty, in an attempt to be prudent, chose not to increase <br />the levy limit increases that were allowed by law - State changed <br />the law and instead of giving Cities the option of increasing their <br />limited by 8s.each year, now, the limit can only be increased by <br />the previous years levy limit. This being the same amount each year. <br />Instead of being rewarded for being prudent the City is now being <br />penalized. <br />Council discussion `included -State Aid cut backs, budget reserves,' <br />equipment costa, ren'lacem,ent posts„ City needs,_ operating_ costs, etc. <br />---Eder - nothing unrealistic in the proposed budget. <br />The Council agreed that the approach to reserves should be maintained. <br />A Special Budget Meeting will be scheduled, <br />RECESS: The Council recessed at 6 p.m, for dinner. <br />
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