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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1982 <br />-2- <br />9. <br />5, <br />MINING PERMITS - JIM MC NAMARA: <br />A. Shafer - Building Inspector's Comments: <br />WIT -run, clean operation. Conforming to the Ordinance, <br />no problems. Viewed the site, <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to approve a mining permit for Shafer <br />Mining for 1983. Carried 4-0. <br />B. Hammes - Building Inspector's Comments: <br />Been to the site three times this year - nothing has changed <br />in the operation since last year„- no better or worse than <br />a year ago. Mining operation is conforming to the Ordinance area fenced off, slopes are proper, no safety hazards were <br />observed. Recommended renewing the permit for 1983, <br />Concrete Piles - no other material stock piled. The <br />concrete piles are broken down to a point where it can <br />go through a primary crusher. Mr. Hammes has not reported <br />in weekly, as required by the Council, on the status of <br />the concrete material;and the status of the structures <br />being moved and/or beingplacedon foundations. <br />McNamara indicated that if the weekly reports are not <br />received either the Building Inspector or the Administrator <br />will call there weekly for a status report. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to renew the Hammes Mining Permit for 1983. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />KEATS AVENUE ASSESSMENT HEARING: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 7:15 p.m, <br />Engineer Bohrer reported on the status of the project. Because <br />of the weather the project is about two weeks behind schedule, <br />but, all the improvements should be completed this fall. The <br />proposed assessments are based on the project estimates for the <br />total cost of the improvement, The Engineer distributed .,a <br />sheet indicating "Determination of Assessable Costs" - the as- <br />sessed amount being $22,705.61 or,$756,85 per lot.- 30 lots were <br />considered benefitted by this -project_- the assessable lots were. <br />deter-mined•by the number of lots a parcel could be divided into <br />under the present zoning; and, a sheet outlining !'Annual Payments" <br />(principal + interest) for a 5, 10, and 15 year termvat 8% interest, <br />Council action requires accepting or modifying the assessment <br />roll, as presented; -determining, the term of the assessment <br />(number of years it would be assessed over); and the interest <br />rate to be charged. After the assessment role is determined, <br />there is a 30 day period,in individual can pay the <br />assessment with no interest, otherwise, the assessed amount <br />will be certified to the County for collection with the 1983 <br />property taxes. <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS: <br />--Eleanor Raleigh, 5193 <br />being'assessed - does <br />--Bohrer - some parcels <br />Keats is either RR or <br />into four (4) 10 acre <br />Keats - asked about the size of the lots <br />each have 40A, if in Ag, <br />may be 1-1 1/2:acres. The zoning along <br />Ag. 1n;RR_a 40A parcel could be divided <br />lots, . . <br />