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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1982 -3- <br />5. KEATS AVENUE ASSESSMENT HEARING - Continued <br />--Bohrer - The Raleigh property is zoned Ag. There are three <br />parcels in Mrs. Raleigh's name - the one Steve Raleigh is <br />living on (this is considered one lot); Mrs. Raleigh's home- <br />stead (considered one lot); and an 80A parcel (considered <br />two lots), 40 acres abuts Keats and 40 acres behind the front,40A <br />that has no other access other than Keats. 4 accessible lots were <br />calculated under Raleigh ownership. <br />--Eleanor Raleigh - questioned the back 40 acre parcel as <br />benefitting when there is no access unless a road is built. <br />--Bohrer - referenced the section map to identify the property <br />in question., As the "back 40" has no other access than Keats <br />Avenue, this was considered as;being a benefit. <br />--Eder - the 80 acres could be split east to west with both <br />parcels containing 40 acres fronting on Keats. <br />--Bohrer - further explained the benefit to the 40 acre parcel <br />Under .present zoning, this is considered an 80 acre parcel <br />(not two 40 acre parcels) containing -two 40 acre lots in the <br />Ag zone. <br />--Eleanor Raleigh - how much of a drop will there be between <br />the driveway and the road. <br />--Bohrer - there won't be any drop. Every existing driveway will <br />be paved to the property line and match in flush with the <br />existing driveways. <br />--Mary Slawson, 5550 Keats - questioned the interest payment. <br />Letter from the Administrator indicated that no interest would <br />be charged until October, 1983. <br />--Bohrer - read from the letter as follows: Assessments are <br />proposed to be paid in one year with no interest. All unpaid <br />assessments will be assessed 8% interest of the unpaid balance <br />as of October 1, 1983. All assessments will be certified for <br />collection with 1983 property taxes." <br />--Fraser - understand this to mean that the assessment can be. <br />paid in 1983, but, interest does not start until after October <br />1983. Payment, therefore, is not due within 30 days. <br />--Mary Slawson - would rather pay it than have it go on the taxes. <br />--Robert Ziertman, 10193 60th St. N. - willing to go along with <br />what is indicated in the letter. <br />--Bohrer - would recommend 10 years or less for the terms. <br />--Fraser - 5 years might be more feasible, if the people could <br />handle it. <br />--Robert Ziertman - would prefer 10 years - can be paid up sooner <br />if desired. . <br />-Eder - if the property is in Green Acres, payment can be deferred <br />until the property is converted; but, the interest compounds <br />at 8% on the unpaid balance. <br />—Fraser - asked Bohrer if it is common to start interest one <br />month after the assessment roll is determined, and what is <br />written by the Administrator is not the usual approach. <br />--Bohrer - yes, that is correct. <br />--Fraser - then have to go by the usual approach. <br />--Mottaz - have to assume the Administrator's dates -are a typo- <br />graphical error. The decision is not the Administrator's to <br />make - it"s up to the discretion of the Council. <br />--Eder - should use the 10 year term. Fraser agreed. <br />--Bohrer - recommended whatever decision the Council makes, that <br />another notice be sent to the residents notifying them of their <br />official assessment. <br />