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10-19-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-19-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1982 -4- <br />5. KEATS AVENUE ASSESSMENT HEARING Continued <br />--Bohrer - Noted that the proposed assessment is less than <br />the estimate indicated at the Feasibility Hearing. <br />--Eder - would like to set a modified grace period, not neces- <br />sarily October, if the standard is 30 days, to get everything <br />complete,, possibly 60 days because of the errore If.collect <br />the interest, reimburse it. Go on the tax rolls, interest <br />accrued and paid to the City, but reimburse the interest <br />for the period 30 days hence until October 1, 1983. <br />--Bohrer - believes the City must give at'ledst 30'dayo,. The <br />$22,000_that _is not eligible for State Aid reimbursement; , <br />the City is paying this out of some funds. <br />--Mottaz - those residents who choose to pay this annually through <br />their taxes will not get the benefit of one year free interest <br />that those that prepay get. They will be paying interest <br />for all of 1983. <br />--Bohrer - suggested not assessing any interest for the remainder <br />of 1982. The Council agreed. - - <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 8:50 p.m. <br />M/S/P Fraser/ Mottaz to adopt Resolution 82-53, a resolution <br />accepting the assessment figure of $22,705.61 and the assessment <br />roll, -as presented by th.e'Engineer, for the Keats -Avenue' <br />Improvement Projects •.And, adopting a 10 year annual payment <br />term, with interest accruing as of January 1, 1983 at an annual <br />rate of 8%, Assessments to be certified to the County for <br />collection with 1983 property taxes. Carried 4-0. <br />Intent of the Administrator's letter will be clarified. All <br />property owners will be notified of their final assessment. <br />'amended *anextension to November 15 <br />11/3/82 M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to apprompletion <br />of the Keats Avenue Improvement Project, per the'. -Engineer's <br />letter of October 13, 1982. Carried 4-0. <br />6. LEMIRE SEWER ASSESSMENT HEARING: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 8:00 p.m. <br />There was no audience in attendance for the hearing. <br />The proposed assessment for the Lemire sewer replacement is <br />$1,875.48. Council action requires accepting or modifying <br />the assessment, determining - the interest rate; and the <br />term over which the assessment should be collected. <br />The Engineer distributed a sheet outlining equal annual <br />payments over a 5, 10, and 15 year period,_ He recommended <br />that the term not exceed 10 years, <br />The Council determined that 10% interest was a reasonable rate <br />over a 10 year period, - ' <br />Lemire's did not attend the hearing or send written comments. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to adopt Resolution 82-54, a resolution <br />accepting the assessment amount of $1,875.48, for the Lemire <br />Sewer Replacement, and adopting a ten year annual payment term <br />with interest accruing 30 days from October 19, 1982, at an <br />annual rate of 100-6. Assessment to be certified to Washington <br />County for collection with 1983 property taxes. Carried 4-0. <br />
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