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11-16-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-16-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />-13- <br />14, DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - Continued.: <br />Council Comments: <br />--Eder -where do the ice fishermen go in, <br />--Whittaker - when the access is impassible they go in further <br />north where the shoreline is flat, <br />Steve Kirk, DNR Representative, was present to sit in on the <br />meeting - he had no response from DNR, <br />Whittaker reported on his conversation with Mike Markell, <br />DNR waiting on the Attorney General's Office to resolve the issue <br />on the covenants. DNR is the issue. The <br />court date has been delayed in the Attorney General's Office, <br />DNR agreed to a joint meeting with the City, <br />-Kirk - cannot recommend a solution to a',problem that is before <br />the court, <br />--Morgan - if the Council agrees with the Committee, recommended <br />forwarding the Council's action to the Clerk of Court & DNR, <br />--Kirk - DNR has tried to make the courts aware this is an important <br />case, maybe the City should make them aware how important it is, <br />--Eder - would like a solid threat hanging over their head. <br />Access won't be used much more this fall - assume the access <br />will be closed in the spring if nothing is done, <br />--Novak - recommendation says the access will be closed this fall will remove the blacktop in the spring, <br />--Morgan - would like to get the State to accept this property. <br />Since the DNR policy is to provide public access to lakes, this <br />action helps facilitate the policy, <br />--Novak -- reason for closing the access now is that all means have <br />been exhaused to get action - if going to be believed.have to <br />follow through on the threat and act on closing the area, <br />--Eder - not in favor of releasing the land to DNR. This may <br />permit them to continue the problem, <br />--Morgan - by relea.sang!-_ the land are giving them the burden <br />of handling the problem of the access. <br />--Whittaker - discussed the risk of releasing the property to DNR, <br />that being the DNR going in and opening the access - then would <br />have less control, that; have now, <br />--Morgan - have had trouble getting their attention. If the DNR <br />had the access then they would have to face up to the problem <br />and not continue to ignore it, <br />--Fraser - present situation provides an intense nuisance for <br />several families who live closest to the access and presents. <br />a lesser nuisance to families living further away. From a <br />safety point of view, compared to other areas in the City, <br />would have to list this as a mild safety problem. Have to weigh <br />these facts against the number of people who enjoy fishing <br />this area, and have done so for many years, Many of these people <br />will try to fish illegally in the same general area,•.creating <br />illegal parking spread around a broader area of the lake and <br />continuing to make an unsafe situation over a larger area. <br />Not going to improve the safety factor. Very reluctant to <br />close the access, <br />--Eder - would like a sign put up "Closed for the Season" and make <br />the public aware of the City's plan to close the access permanently. <br />Burden is :on DNR. If nothing happens during the winter then <br />make a final decision in February, <br />--Mottaz - cannot intimidate the DNR. Only way to get something <br />done is to work with them. Not a threat to them whether there <br />is an access on Demontreville or not. <br />
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