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CITY COUNCIL MEEINGi NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />-12- <br />15. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: <br />E. Maintenance Contract - Computer - <br />M/S /P Fraser/Mottaz to approve a maintenance contract for the <br />Apple Computer at a yearly cost of $614. Carried 5-0. <br />F. Insurance Bidding - The City carries its Workers Comp and <br />Head h Insurance through the League of Mn. Cities and they <br />take bids periodically. Whittaker asked if the Council wants <br />to go through the bidding process for these two items. The <br />General Liability is with a private contractor. <br />--Mottaz - should get bids on everything and from the League. <br />--Whittaker - setting specs and evaluating health insurance <br />is very difficult, but if decide to bid health insurance <br />should consider bidding HMO's along with the standard <br />policy. Satisified with present health plan. <br />--Fraser - if satisified with the present health plan, no <br />point in bidding health insurance. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder to exclude health insurance from the insurance <br />bidding process. Carried 5-0. <br />Specs for liability insurance are ready. <br />H. County Roads <br />--Whittaker - not concerned with the County plans to improve <br />certain roads within Lake Elmo, but that the County did not <br />consult the City on any of the plans. Plan to reconstruct <br />County 15, between TH 94 and 10th St.:and put in 19B. the <br />access to.the regional park.. Questions are - do we want <br />Co. 15 to be 4-lanes right now,- presently a good 2-lane <br />highway and no development is proposed in this area that <br />warrants a 4-lane. City has suggested that 19B be a parkway - <br />plan is for a 4-lane highway, not a parkway. County never <br />acknowledged in writing the City's request that 19B be a <br />parkway. <br />--Mottaz - again, same problem with the County not consulting <br />the City before going ahead with a project that affects the City. <br />--EderT recommended that the Administrator contact the <br />County Highway Department and get information of these two <br />proposals, plans, schedule, etc. <br />I. Planning Commission Vacancies - <br />There will e two vacancies on the Commission come January. <br />The Counftl directed the Administrator to advertise for <br />applicants in the Newsletter for interviews in January. <br />J. Moratorium on Building Permits - <br />Whittaker asked the Council what action they wanted to follow. <br />--Fraser - before considering amending the Ordinance need <br />to more�:dnformation from technical advisors on the ''piggy <br />back' type system. May need to look for someone who can <br />amended confirm that this approach will*sot-wer-k.or will nog work. <br />12/%/82 --Whittaker - will contact the PCA and State Health Department <br />and report back to the Council. <br />14. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Closing Demontreville Lake Access - <br />Whittaker read the recommendation of the Committee outlining <br />a proposal to close the Demontreville access, from his memo <br />dated November 12, 1982 <br />