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11-16-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-16-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />15. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: <br />C. MPELRA"Seminar - Seminar will be held December 10. Whittaker <br />wwM_ attend and asked other interested Council member to <br />contact him for reservations before the deadline. <br />F. Up Coming_ Workshop's and Hearings <br />Land Use P3aOR g—Words` oFi p - will be held November 30. <br />This is open to citizens, Council and Planning Commission <br />members. <br />B. Airport Noise Guidelines Hearing - Met Council will hold <br />ttie pudic Fearing December 16;`- Cities will be expected <br />to adopt the guidelines,z_then require residents near the <br />airport(s) to insulate their homes against noise and/or <br />not build in the noise zone. <br />--Whittaker - has the same feeling on the guildlines as the <br />Airport Zoning Standards --the people causing the problem <br />are not paying for the solution. The people flying planes, <br />running airports, and collecting the revenues are not paying <br />to guard against the noise or solve the problem. Several <br />`'airport bommunities''-have appraisedi:the Met`Council_of their <br />concern; yet, this was not addressed or acknowleded in the <br />guidelines. Whittaker urged City representation at the <br />hearing to reinforce Lake Elmo's position on this concern. <br />--Fraser - would like to review the guidelines and have more <br />information before taking an official pa'Sition. <br />--Whittaker will send out a copy of the guidelines. <br />6. TOM SWENO AND HARRY JOHNSON - PUBLIC HEARING FOR SHORELAND PERMIT <br />AND VARIANCE AT 8076 HILL TR.' N. LANES DEMONTREVILLE: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at'7:30 p.m. <br />Pr. Sweno is proposing to build a new three;%bedhoomwhouse at�the <br />above:address,-located_on=:cthe site,of an existing house, with the <br />following variances: Lot size (.50a from required 1.50 acres); <br />drainfield to be 10' from house where 20' is required; house to <br />be located 75" from high water mark where 100' is required; and <br />lot with to be 110' where 125' is required. The DNR letter of <br />November 1, 1982, to James McNamara, supported the variances and <br />expressed no additional concerns. The City Engineer's recommendations <br />were outlined in his letter of October 27, 1982, as follows: <br />Se tic System Design- <br />1. <br />A 1,200 gallon capacity tank be required. <br />2. 1,002 sq. ft. of trench area be required for a 3 bedroom house; <br />with the length of each trench increased to 54ft. instead of <br />50 ft. as proposed. <br />3. The bottom of the drainfield be no lower than elevation 934. <br />4. As the existing drainfield is located in the same location as <br />the proposed field, the existinq drainfield and drain rock <br />should be completely removed and bac.kfilled with soil having <br />a perc rate of at least 16 mpi. <br />Site <br />17-The existing row of evergreen trees between the existing house <br />and the lake remain in place to screen the house from the lake. <br />2. No filling can occur in the existing drainage swale running <br />along the north property line. <br />3. The bottom trench elevation of 934 be staked in the bottom of <br />each trench by a surveyor or engineer during construction. <br />4. The existing septic tank and pump station be abandoned by removing <br />the covers and filling them with compacted soil. <br />
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