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11-16-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-16-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />r <br />-5- <br />6. SWENO/JOHNSON PUBLIC HEARING - Continued: <br />Mr. Sweno indicated that the Engineers comments and recommendations <br />were acceptable to, him, <br />--Eder - what is the proximity of -the new structure to the swale? <br />--Sweno - there is 15' from the swale to the proposed house. <br />--Mottaz - noted that when the path (drainage swale) was vacated <br />the township assumed responsibility to maintain the drainage <br />easement. The distance from the swale to the house could change <br />dependent on how or what work the City felt was necessary for <br />maintenance . <br />--Eder - house should not be too close to the 10 ft. easement area. <br />--Sweno - house is approximately 5 ft. away from the 10' easement, <br />There will be no filling in the swale - the existing elevations <br />will remain. A new sewage system will be installed - the existing <br />one will be abandoned. <br />--Eder - appraised Mr. Sweno that construction work on the swale <br />could come within 5 ft. of his house if the house is set within <br />15 ft. of the north line. Mr. Sweno acknowledged this fact. <br />--Sweno - in response to Eder's question on the trees to the front <br />of the lot - the 10" and 15" Oak trees will be removed - the <br />18" Maple may be outside of the structure boundaries and remain - <br />Uncertain about exactly which trees will be removed. <br />--Eder - based on the existing topo map it appears a great deal <br />of fill material will be hauled in over various areas of the <br />lot - how many yards of fill will be hauled in. <br />--Sweno - estimate about 200 yds, of fill. Two feet of fill will <br />be placed over the proposed drainfield site - fill will extend <br />on the south side to somewhere close to the front of the new <br />structure and on the north side up to the swale or edge of the <br />structure and driveway. <br />--Whittaker - referenced his memo(Nov. 12, 1982) suggesting Mr. <br />Sweno purchase a 1/4 acre parcel to the south of this site. <br />This lot has a home on it and could not be purchased to com- <br />plement the Sweno lot. <br />Mottaz - still has a problem with the City's drainage easement. <br />The 10' setback is entirely the drainage easement - should the <br />City exercise its right to go in and do some work it could <br />possibly come right up to the house. <br />--Sweno - still would have 4-5 ft. <br />--Whittaker - fairly common to have drainage and utility easements <br />on side lot lines - have not required a setback from the easement <br />in the past - Mill a setback from the property line. Have 20 ' <br />to operate within as there is a drainage easement on the _property <br />to the north. <br />Novak - asked about past action on substandard lots that have <br />an existing house. <br />--Fraser - the fact this lot has an existing functioning structure <br />diffentiakes this-fr©m_the recent request to create a substandard <br />lot for a new home.`; <br />--Sweno - present house has two bedrooms - the septic system/drain- <br />field is a major consideration whether the existing house is <br />remodeled or whether a new home is built. The existing field <br />was put in a foot below what it should have been in 1976. In <br />either case septic system has to be up -graded. City is no better <br />or worse off with either structure. Need three bedrooms,- 5 <br />members in the family. Existing house is 720 sq. ft. - just too <br />small. <br />
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