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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 �U- <br />16. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. MaYo..ri Eder - <br />Ta'blyn'Pa'rk''Gate 'Closing Eder recommended placing snow <br />encing or construct ni g a gate across the entrance of <br />Tablyn Park for the season. Whittaker will notify the <br />Maintenance Foreman to close the entrance. <br />Dem'ontrevlle Access - Eder reported that he talked to <br />Steve T orne, Tsst. DNR Commissioner, who indicated that <br />he is anxious to get this access problem solved. Also <br />talked to Bruce Spector, Attorney General's Office, who <br />indicated he would be meeting with Judge Archie Gingold <br />this week to set a date this item will be placed on the <br />court docket. Will meet with Mike Markell, DNR, to <br />review the maps and drawings of the proposed access. <br />ADJOURN: M/S/P Morgan/Eder to adjourn at 10:15 p.m. <br />Carried 4--0. <br />RESOLUTIONS: R^-82-62 Commendation to Jess'Mottaz <br />R-82-63 Commendation to Jeanne Novak <br />