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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 <br />15. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />B. 'A'ir 'ort'No'iee'Standards - Continued <br />W itta'fcer r-ported that one concession was made in the <br />revised policy that states that the Metropolitan Airport <br />Commission will be encouraged to share in the responsibility <br />for mitigating problems with existing uses. In Whittaker's <br />opinion, city's should not have to share in this responsibility <br />for existing uses, we should not have to share in this <br />responsibility for any uses, as we are not creating the <br />nuisance nor gaining any economic benefit by having the <br />airport. <br />The Council agreed with the Administrator's position and <br />advised the Administrator to present this as the City's <br />official position at the public hearing. <br />C. Park Shelter Workers - The Council reviewed the Administrator's <br />recommendations, as outlined in his December 7., 1982 memo., <br />Re: Park Shelter Workers. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve the hiring of David Eder, <br />Barry Weeks, Jill Eder and Mike Bidon to serve as Park <br />Shelter Workers at Lions Park for 1982/83, as recommended <br />by the City Administrator. Carried 4-0. <br />D. 'Animal Control Officer Contract - <br />M7S/P Morgan Nova to renew the City's contract with Gerry <br />Dahlberg, Animal Control Officer, for 1983, at a monthly <br />rate of $250, with $12 after-hours call"out fee. Carried <br />4-0. <br />E. P'ayne Dey'elopm'ent A'gr'eement -- Purchasers of the Merle <br />Payne property, 0Yf of Keats Avenue, are concerned about <br />some of the wording in the Development Agreement between <br />the City and the Payne's_regarding the use of the easement <br />by the City. A letter from Dave Magnuson, Attorney for <br />the Paynes, outlines the concerns of the buyers. (Letter <br />dated December 6, 1982, Turrentine & Magnuson). <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to amend the Development Agreement between <br />the City of Lake Elmo and Merle and Lavina Payne to state <br /> option in the City of Lake Elmo to acquire in the lands <br />described below, a permanent and appurtentant easement for <br />the construction, installation and maintenance of a municipal <br />roadway and public utilities over, under and across the <br />real estate described as follows:.... Carried 4-0. <br />The other concern of the purchasers;is that the Payne's <br />never gave the City the Option on the property to be -acquired <br />for roadway purposes. This will be officially done now in <br />order to clear the title. <br />F. Commendation R'e'solutoiis: <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to adopt R-82-62 and R-82-63, Resolutions <br />commending Jeanne Novak and Jess Mottaz, retiring Council <br />Members. Motion carried 3-0-1 Novak abstained. <br />G. State Aid Cuts Impact:- Deferred until the State has <br />finalized t er ecsions. <br />