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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 4.7- <br />11. ORCHARD/SINCLAIR APPEAL - CONTINUED: <br />--Whittaker - reviewed the variances needed; <br />--Bohrer ati�brep4r-ed %a- site --plan review; but, "Cannot address' - <br />this until,the Council addresses the variancesfrom the -sub- <br />divisionregulationsandthe Shoreland Ordinance, <br />--Whittaker - the Sinclair lot does not qualify under -the 60% <br />Rule; but, based on the 100% average requirement,it exceeds <br />the -average lot _size in Lanes Demontreville. <br />--Ron Orchard - Section A of 301.090 refers 'bo`: lots that meet <br />60% of the area requirement set forth in the section- this <br />goes on to state the 1A exception. Believes, this can be <br />interpreted to mean 600 of 1 acre. <br />--Ray Marshall - Comments:_on Secti0n-.WB - Contigious Parcels: <br />many.comments--.made about the -ownership of this parcel - it <br />is true that were this parcel (Sinclair Lot) in separate <br />ownership an.araument for variance could be more easily sus- <br />tained. In that instance would literally have a parcel <br />which cannot be added to. Can understand Mr. Orchard's position <br />that if it is fair to allow this under a seperate ownership it <br />is unfair - to have the result different for him. The <br />contrary argument is the whole purpose of. Section B - contigious <br />parcels with common ownership cannot be considered seperate <br />parcels for purposes of the ordinance. Further, any time <br />additional land, especially land such as this that is owned <br />along the shoreland of a lake, even though not developed into <br />other building sites, adds to the value of the main parcel <br />regardless of its use, if it increases its size. Have to <br />consider the equities. <br />Section 301.090 A - statearthat'_anyZ.ione acre lot - does not say <br />.86 acre, says 1 acre lot —this is the-driticaL:faotor. <br />Don't think this is the same situation as with Johnston or <br />Larson because those parcels were clearly owned seperately, <br />adjacent property was not owned. -- <br />--Morgan r asked Mr. Orchard -to confirm that 2,000 sq. ft. could <br />be added without a great deal of undesirable reflection on <br />the homestead lot. <br />--Ron Orchard - thinks the 2,000 sq. ft. is an undesirable <br />reflection on the adjacent lot - indicated the problems this <br />would create on the survey. <br />--Morgan - the additional 2,000 sq. ft. would eliminate the <br />need for a lot width variance at the street. <br />M/S/ Morgan/Eder to approve a Simple Lot Subdivision for <br />Elizabeth Orchard, provided 2,000 sq. ft. is added to the <br />Sinclair parcel, thereby increasing this lot to 8.8A, and <br />eliminating the variance for the lot width at the street. <br />Discussion: <br />--Ron Orchard - wants to develop the property - willing to <br />increase the lot size if this is what is required. <br />--Fraser - does not think this stipulation is the way to <br />go at this point„ - not a good solution. <br />--Morgan - + if he did:not�.own the adjacent <br />property, then, this situation would be the same as with <br />Larson and Johnston. This property is more desirable than <br />either of those pieces particularly with the land above the <br />high water mark and in total size. <br />