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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 -6- <br />12. ENGINEERtS REPORT: <br />E. State, Aid' Construction 5 lear' `Plan <br />...,_.�._-.._F..--...,-......_,._._r-..1. <br />Bohrer zn�ormed tAe Council that Mn7DOT requested an up -date <br />of the City''s 5 year State Aid Construction Plans. He submitted <br />a report listing the City''s planned improvements, a' <br />construction schedule and a preliminary cost estimate. This <br />is required by the State so that they know how the City intends <br />to use their State Aid construction funds. <br />M/S/P Morgan/'Novak to approve the 5-year State -Aid Construction <br />Plan, as submitted by the City Engineer. Carried 4-0. <br />F. Archaeological Sites 201 Study^Siites - <br />Bohrer reportedtEa-t— thie Minnesota Historical Society has <br />identified two potential prehistoric archaeological sites <br />that the 201 Study proposed for use as joint drainfield areas. <br />One is located in the 14W corner of the Old village; the other <br />one is in Lanes Demontreville Country Club. The Society has <br />asked the City to perform an archaeological survey of these <br />two areas. The Engineer contacted two firms who will do this <br />work for $500. This survey has to be performed as approval <br />from the Historical Society is a part of receiving the funding. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to authorize up to $500 to conduct an <br />archaeological survey of the two sites identified by the <br />Engineer. TKDA will stake the sites as part of the $500 <br />cost. Carried 4-0.-. <br />10, FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION BY-LAWS: <br />The Administrator reviewed the proposed amendment pertaining <br />to "Surviving Spouse's Pension City Attorney, Ray Marshall <br />stated that, in his opinion, Article IX, Section .1, of the <br />State Statute has to be included in the Association's By-laws. <br />This was the only change to the final draft. <br />--Whittaker - only question is how the $5300 for retirement <br />payments can be covered in the General Fund for 1983. The <br />City does not have the money to budget for this amount. <br />MIS/, Morgan/Fraser to approve the By-laws for the Fire <br />Department Relief Association, including the amendment for <br />the surviving spouse pension. <br />Discussion - <br />Bruce Kuettner, Fire Chief -- does not look like anyone will <br />be retiring in 1983, so the funds will not be needed for this <br />year. This will give the fund the necessary build-up time. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />11. ORCHARD/SINCLAIR APPEAL: <br />Mr. Ron Orchard reviewed his letter of December 1, 1982, to the <br />the City Council, outlining his reasons for reconsideration of <br />his application, fie continually maintained that, in his opinion, <br />Section 301.090B permitted him to apply the 60% Rule, thereby, <br />qualifying the Sinclair lot to meet the lot size requirement <br />provided by the 60% ku%1e+ '2',00-0 -§q ee, 66'111 Pbe added td­ <br />the Sinclair lot,. This w©ul&-increase the lot width at the -street, <br />wand eliminate tk>e need for that barianeee, WVt-would trot lhbnea E <br />the lot size. The lot cannot be increased to 1A without <br />encroaching ton- ciiio:se --- to the;.existing house (Orchard homestead) ; <br />also there is a permanent chain link fence along the south boundary <br />The property line was always on a diagonal along this fence line. <br />