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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 <br />13. HAMMES - CONTINUED; <br />A. Moving, Buildings <br />Small House{ Mrs.-Lvons showed the Council a very rough sketch <br />o ui'ding site, location of building, and proximity to existing <br />& proposed roads. The building will be placed near the existing <br />gravel scale. <br />--Whittaker - when would this be placed on a permanent foundation? <br />--Dorothy Lyons - most of the current operation and equipment <br />is semi.=portable because of the proposed County Road 19B, <br />and desire to keep this a portable building with no permanent <br />foundation. <br />--Whittaker If the Council considers this as an alternative <br />to what the Hammes" were originally required to do - move <br />the building off the property and out of the City - Hammes' <br />would have to submit a plan formoving a building into Lake <br />Elmo, just like they would have had to do if they had not <br />already moved the building in. Scale and distances have to <br />be provided, requirements of the Code met, and a determination <br />on permitting a structure not on a permanent foundation. <br />This would have to go back to the Planning Commision for <br />approval. of a site plan for moving in buildings. <br />--Morgan — asked the time -frame for 19B right-of-way. <br />--Whittaker - County has to have a plan for 19B before. 1985. <br />Right(�of-way has been established - the actual road alignment <br />and construction within the r-o-w has not been confirmed. <br />Hammes' could get this information from the County for planning <br />the location of the office structure. <br />--Fraser - asked if the Hammes' really will follow through with <br />this proposal with all the criteria) outlined by the Administrator <br />--Dorothy Lyons - yes, don't see any problem but don't understand <br />why this involved procedure is necessary. <br />--Fraser - clarified the Administrator's comments - building came <br />in with the understanding that it would be moved out - if this <br />use changes different procedures need to be complied with. <br />This is a complex, time consuming and ef<pensive,'prooedure-. <br />pince-the,Hammes'_had so much difficulty in locating the <br />larger house, will this new proposal be followed -up. <br />--Dorothy Lyons - need the office - something planned for the <br />future. Could start the new procedure any time - no problem <br />in laying out a plan. This is no longer a house. <br />--Whittaker - Hammes' were to appear at this meeting and inform <br />the Council that all the work is completed that was required <br />on the permit issued 18 months ago, including removal of the <br />small house (proposed office). Two buildings are still in <br />question. <br />--Dorothy Lyons - outbuilding is still not on a permanent foundation. <br />This will be placed on an excavated site when the large house <br />is set down. <br />M/S/P Morgan/'Fraser to approve a 60day extension to permit the <br />Hammes' to complete the location of the large house and out <br />building and to initiate the formal process of applying for <br />a moving permit and site plan, etc. for the small building (proposed <br />office). Carried 4-0. <br />