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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 -lq; <br />13. HAMMES - CONTINUED: <br />B. Con'cr'ete'Piles - Mrs. Lyons reported that the concrete has <br />been bro - eninto smaller pieces and can be recycled. They <br />have contacted Tom Auth, the contractor, and have two alternatives: <br />1. Haul it away - very expensive - about $4,000. This leaves <br />Hammes' nothing for their time and inconvenience,for storing <br />this material over the last two years. <br />2. Additional crushing of the material - Contractor and Hammes' <br />have been looking for someone to crush.�the material into <br />smaller particles. This is another added expense. The <br />material can be recycled and sold or added to material on <br />site if smaller. Maybe used on pending road projects or <br />incorporated with gravel material. <br />--Fraser - clarified the status of the Performance Bond of the <br />Contractor held by the County. Sees no great need to push <br />that something be done with this immediately. Material is <br />in smaller pieces and fits in with the type of material used <br />in the Hammes' gravel business. <br />--Dorothy Lyons - Contractor's bond cannot be released until <br />the City and Hammes' agree that the bond should be released. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to rescind the previous deadline for William <br />Hammes to remove the concrete material presently being stored <br />on his property and report back to the Council in April on the <br />status of the material. Carried 4-0. <br />14. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS: <br />The Council made the following comments after reviewing the <br />list of permits and their conditions: <br />--Fraser - recommended that the Building Inspector visit each <br />of the kennels and confirm that the animals are being properly <br />cared for - no animal abuse. <br />--Eder - send a note to Cimarron management indicating that <br />the City is pleased with their cooperation concerning the <br />golf course and that no complaints have been received. <br />--Novak - recommended that the Building Inspector visit Rockin <br />L Trailer sales and verify reports that several animals, <br />horses, burros, poultry, etc. are being maintained on less <br />than the minmdm..requred area=c>s <br />--Fraser - requested that Patti Homes be notified to take down <br />the skelton of their sign. <br />--Whittaker - Building Inspector is work ng-on.compliance of <br />all signs with the ordinance. The Gun Club has requested <br />temporary cApproval of their permit until January 18,'"so':that <br />their attorney can review the provisions of their permit. <br />The Council will act'on the Conditional Use Permits at the <br />January 4 meeting. <br />MEETING CHANGE: <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to cancel the December 21, 1982 meeting <br />and hold an early Council meeting at 5:00 p.m. December 13, <br />1982, before the joint Council/PZC meeting. Carried 4-0. <br />15. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />B. Airport Noise Standards - Whittaker referred the Council <br />to his comments, as outlined in his December 2, 1982, Agenda <br />memo. A� hearing will be held December 16. Any Council <br />comments should be to the Administrator before this date. <br />