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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-11- <br />8. MIKE FOX AND GARY HORNING - REGIONAL PARK RESERVE: <br />Mr. Robin and Mr. Teats presented their proposal for an up -land, <br />artificial, plastic lined swimming facility. They determined this <br />l type of facility was preferrable to developing a beach on the south <br />end of Lake Elmo as it will provide the greatest flexibility in <br />designing the type of facility proposed in the Master Plan and <br />also have the least negative environmental -impact. Robin indicated <br />they will be working with the County to develop a program for <br />use - would like to interweave all types of use as 75% of the <br />time at a beach is spend outside the water. Construction of the <br />'pool' with the different swimming activity -area§.,eg, diving, <br />wading, competitive swimming, etc, was explained. The facility <br />will be designed. to accomodate 2000 people per day as estimated <br />in the Master Plan. Mr. Robin presented a slide review of similar <br />swimming facilities located around the State. <br />Size — water surface varies from 2 1/2 to 4 A <br />Criteria - prepared list of criteria that any pool would have to <br />meet - applied this criteria to every potential site <br />in the park - existing lagoon (location, potential shore- <br />line locations along Lake Elmo and the in -land location. <br />The in -land location came out as the preferred option. <br />Criterial included, aesthetics, water quality & clarity, <br />environmental issues, engineering & buildability and <br />the impact on the approval process. <br />Recommendation would be to proceed with the up -land facility. <br />Further explained the negative impact a swimming-`fac lity would <br />have with -a-lake side location„-.- assured problems with an in -lake <br />facility. Also, besides -being environmentally detrimental an in - <br />lake facility_ could'prolong the prooess, and.delay funding to <br />create a needed facility.- <br />--Mike Fox_ 1985-was. the planned construction schedule - reviewing <br />this time schedule. <br />--Whittaker -,City felt it was ludicrous to put An art fical ?a ool' <br />in the lake._ This seems more practical. Other concern was <br />that this should not be developed if there is not funding for <br />trails, camping, etc. that could be used more readily by the public. <br />Concern always was that the cost of the swimming facility would <br />be so high that other necessary things would not get done. <br />--Morgan - always thought the swimming beach should be on the lake <br />--Robin - based on information from water experts, the way the <br />lake functions the Southeast corner of the lake is the 'junk <br />end' of the lake - should seriously consider the water clarity <br />and safety of the water quality. Cost is compariable for <br />whatever type of plan is developed. The;; up -land pool offers <br />swimming pool quality in a natural surrounding. A deep well will <br />provide the water which will be chlorinated and filtered. <br />--Ed Stevens, 10133 47th St. N. - familar with the beaches at Lily <br />Lake and Square Lake - bothhave swimming beaches at thesouth <br />end of the lake. Difficult to understand why a facility built <br />up -land should not cost many times as much as a facility such <br />as Square Lake or Lily Lake. Should point out the differences <br />between Lake Elmo, Lily Lake and Square Lake. If lake bottoms <br />are not different - cost should be addressed. <br />--Eder - should prepare a:matrix and put down the facts. Was --a <br />pri ately-run beach at the southeast corner - house has facilities <br />in the basement that--wero used for the camp sites. This is owned <br />by the County and going to waste.., <br />B. Eagx.e Point Lake - <br />C. K on)d,c Turn Around - Mr. Fox was not prepared to discuss item <br />B and ancT defexrecT them to another. time. <br />