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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-10- <br />7. DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - CONTINUED: <br />Discussion - <br />--Beryl Garloff - still getting hassled by the Sheriff's <br />dispatchers - also would like to see a more regular patrol <br />of the area - only see the patrol car go by when it's <br />on the way to an emergency,- like to see patrol record for this area. <br />--Eder - will try to work out a schedule with the deputies - <br />primarily on the weekends. Also need to coach other patrolmen, <br />who are not Lake Elmo deputies, on what the City wants enforced <br />in this area. Also, let City know of dispatcher problems right away. <br />--Whittaker - short of hiring special patrol in the spring, the <br />only way the deputies are going to know there is a problem <br />is if a resident calls in. Only two officers for Lake Elmo they can't be on'Demontreville Trail with any regularity - <br />can't be or they wouldn't be partroling the rest of the City they are aware of the problem and do patrol and go by this area. <br />Go by as regularly as they go by any trouble spot in the City. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Residents were provided with the names and addresses of the <br />County Board -members. <br />9. PUBLIC INQUIRIES: <br />A, Ray Salus - CUP for Mobile Home.- Mr. Salus requested that <br />his CUP i3e renewed. Cimarron-Tas purchased the property that <br />the State purchased from Mr. Salus,•and are negotiating to <br />purchase additional property from Mr. Salus. When this transfer <br />is complete he will move out. This land purchase by Cimarron <br />will take his building site.• He anticipates negotiations to <br />be completed by spring. He is:=_also listing his adjoining <br />property for sale. Have to live there - have farming operation <br />there - until the sale of the land is settled. <br />--Eder - explained the background of Mr. Salus' situation. <br />--Salus - old house burned - had intended on remodeling house <br />and living in,it that is -no longer possible. Everything <br />now is contingent on the sale of the property - cannot give <br />a definite moving this time. <br />--Fraser - based on the unusual circumstances surrounding this <br />mobile home CUP, believe it would be appropriate to continue <br />the permit - Mr. Salus very much aware that the City wants <br />the structure removed as soon as possible - appears this <br />should be resolved within the next year. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to adopt R-83-17, a Resolution approving a <br />Conditional Use Permit to Ray Salus for a mobile home at 404 <br />Lake Elmo Avenuexfrom Januaryi.1983, through December, 1983, Car. 5-0. <br />8. MIKE FOX, COUNTY PLANNING AND GARY HORNING ON REGIONAL PARK: <br />A. Swimming Beach Mr. Fox introduced Jim Robin and John Teats, <br />Landscape Architects, hired by Washington County as consultants <br />on the boat launch and swimming beach facility, He.referred <br />tho Council to a map of the Regional Park -and -outlined the <br />areas where these facilities will be located. <br />