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01-18-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-18-83 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 13, 1983 <br />-13- <br />10. GARY FRENCH ^ ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL: <br />--Fraser - feel alot controversial about supporting this. <br />To listen to a brief presentation and then endorse it would <br />( be to take an inadequate look at the situation. If we were <br />to endorse it we would want to have a much more extensive <br />look. Do not want to take any action. <br />The Council agreed to table a decision until the next meeting, <br />11. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. 201 Sewer Program - Engineer Bohrer reported that on July 6, <br />1 9187� this Council passed a resolution authorizing the <br />application for grants for the design and construction of <br />septic systems improvements identified in the Step 1 report. <br />TKDA has now prepared the grant applications for Steps 2 and 3 <br />along with the required NPDES permit application, Bohrer <br />then explained the changes in the grant program which will <br />affect the City's share of the cost. The impact to Lake <br />Elmo is that the City share .increases from an estimated <br />$230 per improved system to about. $750 per improved system. <br />Application for the grant funds does not obligate the City <br />to proceed with the program. These new costs are preliminary, <br />and the Engineer asked for time to evaluate the effects of ` <br />the changes. He will. report back to the Council before the <br />grant offer is received. <br />Bob Callery of TKDA then explained the two resolutions which <br />are required. The first designates the City Administrator <br />as the 'authorized representative' of the City; and the <br />second one states that the City will pay the local share <br />of the project cost. Again, is City is not obligated to <br />proceed should it determine the cost is too high. <br />M/S/P"Morgan/Fraser to adopt R-83-18, a Resolution designating <br />the City Administrator as the Authorized�Representative of <br />the City of Lake Elmo for all grant related matters; and, <br />agreeing that the City will pay the local share of the project <br />costs, should State and Federal grants be offered and accepted <br />and a project constructed . Carried 5-0. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to authorize the Mayor to sign the NPDES <br />permit application. Carried 5-0. <br />B. Grading Plans - Demontreville Park and Reid Park - Engineer <br />Borer provided a cost estimate of �5,000 for engineering <br />services to construct the parking lot, entrance drive aid <br />trails at Reid Park. The City has received a.-$13,000 LAWCON <br />grant offer to construct these improvements. He also <br />estimated $2,200 for the grading plans for Demontreville <br />Park and $4,000 for the Reid Park grading plan, The Reid -Park cost <br />could bereducedto $2,0OO if the grading plan were done in <br />conjunction with the LAWCON improvements. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to authorize the Engineer -to prepare plans <br />( and specifications for the Reid Park LAWCON,-,grant improvements and <br />also to prepare a grading plan for the remainder of the 11 acre <br />active area of Reid Park for a total estimated cost of $7,000. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Morgan indicated that he would like a recommendation from the <br />Park Commission on the grading plans for Demontreville Park 6th <br />Add. <br />
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