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01-18-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-18-83 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-14- <br />11, ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />D. Alarm System - Water Tower - On the instruction of the <br />Council the Engineer prepared specifications for a water <br />well and storage alarm systera. The alarm system would <br />monitor high water level, low water level, low temperature <br />and power failure and signal a failure over a telephone <br />line to a central alarm station which in turn would <br />telephone five designated employees. -,The first employee <br />reached would be notified of the emergency. The estimated <br />cost is $2,500 for the installation of the alarm including <br />set-up plus a monthly charge of about $20for the monitoring <br />services plus the telephone line cost. <br />Some of the Council members were concerned about the on- <br />going costs to monitor the system. <br />--Dunn - asked whether a horn or light system would not <br />be more economical and serve the same purpose.. <br />--Bohrer - problems arise when the light is not checked on <br />a regular basis and can go unnoticed during the night, <br />over holidays or on weekends when not too many persons <br />are around. A horn can become a nuisance if there is <br />a long time lapse between the horn going off and a City <br />employee cancelling the signal. The alarm system for <br />which the specifications were prepared was meant to <br />provide the same level of reliability as having a weekend <br />maintenance man checking the system. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn authorizing the City Engineer to solicit bids <br />for an alarm system with a cost comparison for a horn and <br />light warning system. <br />--Discussion - <br />--Dunn - suggested a light rather than a horn - area of <br />the alarm is den--ely populated. Phone system creates <br />an on going expense - alternate systems provide a way <br />to save money and reduce the monthly and yearly costs. <br />--Bohrer - the telephone system was selected by the <br />Council when the options were presented earlier. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />E. Wetlands Study - Bohrer reported that he discussed the <br />compilation of the wetlands inventory map with Doug Thomas, <br />Soil Conservation District Conservationist. He stated that <br />the map was intended to show the natural drainage features <br />of the City as opposed to the manmade drainage features. <br />Mr. Thomas agreed to show the Lake Olson outlet and also <br />to include a bibliography which would list the existing <br />documents which were used in the preparation of the map. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to accept the Wetlands Inventory Map <br />as amended and presented by the Engineer. Carried 5-0. <br />F. Section 32 Mapping - Bohrer reported that he had misinformed <br />foie Council on the mapping of Section 32. He previously <br />reported that the County had agreed to map all of Section <br />32. This was incorrect. The County intends to map only <br />240 acres of which 160 acres are included in Section 32. <br />This would leave approximately 500 acres remaining in the <br />City'`s potentially sewered area unmapped. He met with <br />County Officials and received an estimate of approximately <br />$5,000 for preparation of totographic mapping outside the <br />County mapping area. <br />
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