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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-2- <br />13. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />B. Lega1'NeWsp'ap'er - The Council reviewed the Administrator's <br />recommendation n (Memo of January 13, 1983) to designate Lillie <br />Publications as the Legal Newspaper for the City. After <br />evaluating the other publications, as listed, the Council concurred <br />with the recommendation. Lillie publishes the Washington County Review., <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to designate the Washington County Review the <br />legal newspaper for the City of Lake Elmo, per the recommendation <br />of the City Administrator. Carried 5-0. <br />C. PERA Employ'ee'P'ay Cut - <br />-- Mayor Eder very di ficult question - unfair that the State <br />enacted this legislation; but, cannot favor salary compensation <br />unless there are strong arguments presented to do otherwise. <br />This has nothing to do with employee cababilities or job <br />performance - this is an unfortunate situation with the City <br />caught in the middle. <br />-- Councillor Dunn -Hot only looking at a proposed pay increase <br />but also have to consider the disposition of the Administrator <br />and the possibility of hiring an assistant Administrator. <br />Want to look at total budget items in conjunction with the <br />pay increase. This is all part of the financial package. <br />Should not make a decision tonight. <br />-- Councillor Morgan - basically agree with the Mayor. Even if <br />consideration was given to compensating this 2% it would <br />require cutting out somewhere else. in the cover it. <br />-- Councillor Fraser - not at the point of making a decision. <br />Alternatives to be considered: <br />1. meet the request and add 2% to the employees pay. <br />2. reduce the work time by 2%. <br />3. wait and see what present legal action brings about. <br />4, do nothing - leave it as it is - employees pay the '2%.' <br />5. wait and review it in terms of the broader budget <br />Prefer to hold off on a decision. <br />-- Councillor Mazzara - reitterated the Mayor's position - <br />Sees this as a State problem - the entire State is suffering not sure we should be the exception by making up this 2% - <br />would be inclined to oppose the 2% increase as this goes <br />along with how Washington County and most of the State is <br />reacting. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to defer any decision until pending legal action <br />has been completed and until the over-all budget impact can be <br />reviewed. Carried 5-0. <br />5. INVESTMENT POLICIES - MARILYN BANISTER: <br />Mrs. Banister explained the city's current investment policy, <br />and itemized the financial institutions and'the type of invest- <br />ments that the City has. The average interest rate in 1982 was <br />12%, with the Building Fund Reserve at 14.25%. -The Council and <br />Mrs. Banister discussed interest plus checking, , short-term <br />low -investment CD's, bond payments and equipment purchases as <br />they relate to the investment policy. <br />3. ADDITIONAL CLAIM: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to approve Claim 83413 to to Lake Elmo <br />Repair in the amount of $313.90, for repair to the International <br />Dump Truck. Carried 5-0. <br />