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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-3- <br />13. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />D, ' 'Licenses '= Staff Handling - Whittaker'recommended that <br />( general licenses, other than "liquor licenses, be tevibw6d and <br />handled by the office staff; appeals would still go before <br />the Council. He will verify, with the City Attorney, whether <br />there are any statutory requirements that certain licenses <br />must be approved by the Council. Approved licenses will be <br />sent out with the agenda packets for Council information. <br />The Council expressed no objection or concern about amending <br />the Ordinance'':to-provide for this change. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to instruct the Administrator to draft an <br />Ordinance authorizing the Administrator to approve licenses, <br />other than liquor licenses, that do not require statutory <br />Council approval, that are routine and non -controversial in <br />nature. Carried 5-0. <br />E. Snowplowing Policies/Contracts - Deferred until later in the <br />meeting. <br />F. AG Preserves - Whittaker explained the necessity of expediting <br />actionon�Ag Preserves as outlined in his January 13, Agenda memo. <br />He recommended that an information meeting he held before the <br />public hearing to inform property owners how to qualify, who is <br />eligible and the benefits and liabilities of the program. The <br />Met Council has offered to assist with this type of meeting. <br />M/S/P Eder/Fraser to authorize the Administrator to set up a <br />public information meeting on Ag Preserves for January 27, 1983, <br />at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. <br />G. Watershed Planning - Deferred until later in the meeting <br />H. Diane Trudeau' Morgan"= R'esign'ation from Parks Commission - <br />Whittaker referred the Council to Mrs. Morgan's letter o <br />resignation and indicated that this now.leaves three openings <br />on the Park Commission for one full member and two alternates. <br />The Council will interview applicants at the next meeting. <br />M/S/P Eder/Mazzara to adopt R-83-16, a Resolution commending and <br />thanking Diane Trudeau Morgan for her time and work on the PAC. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />* amended <br />I. Planner <br />Fee 'Increase - Whittaker notified <br />the Council that*Rob <br />2/1/83 <br />Chelseth is <br />increasing.his planner fees from <br />$30/hr to $35/hr. <br />This fee has <br />not been increased since 1981. <br />J. Special Meeting Statute - Whittaker referred the Council <br />to their copy of the State Statute concerning the calling of <br />Special Meetings. Any questions should be directed to the <br />Administrator or City Attorney, Ray Marshall. Whittaker will <br />verify that this regulation is included in the Code. <br />K. Landfill Siting Up-ofDate - Whittaker reported that the County <br />Board, on t e advise their Advisory Committee, made a-recom-` <br />mendation to the Met Council, against the second landfill site <br />in Lake Elmo. The comments of the City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, <br />made at the Advisory Committee meeting served as the basis for <br />this recommendation. <br />