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01-04-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-04-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1983 <br />-12- <br />6. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />B. Estimate " � Wet'land's'Tnvent'ory Corrections_ - Continued <br />Bohrer estimated t e cost to compare the wetlands inventory <br />map with all exisitng drainage information available at $600. <br />He stated this review work would not be necessary if the <br />map were used only to identify existing wetlands; but recom- <br />mended the review be done if the map were used as a compilation <br />of all existing drainage information. The Council did not <br />deem this a high priority item and instructed the Engineer to <br />contact Soil Conservation Agency to determine which comparisons <br />have already been done or could be done by the Conservation <br />District before proceeding with the Engineer's review. Bohrer <br />will report back to the Council January 18. <br />C. - 'Step' '2&' '3' G'rant's' '-, 2'01' Sewer Study - Deferred until January 18. <br />D. Reid'Park Grant - Bohrer reported that the City has received <br />notl ica"F'"� tion�of a LAWCON grant offer of $13,000, 40% of the <br />construction copt forimprovementsin Reid Park. The Council <br />deferred action on authorizing the Engineer to prepare cost <br />estimates for engineering services, plans and specs, etc. <br />for the improvements, pending a recommendation from the Park <br />Commission regarding grading plans for the park. <br />E. Waste'/En'ergy Plant Update - Bohrer reported that the County <br />Board as ecided to aut orize topographic maps for Section 32; <br />and asked the Council if they were interested in includyng <br />the western 1/'4 of Section 33, as this area most likely <br />could be served by.g.ravity sanitary sewer, and would compliment <br />the planning process that is going to go on in Section 32. <br />--Eder - recommended that the proposal be presented to the <br />property owners,at their January 26 meeting, to see if <br />there is any interest, on their part, for this mapping. <br />--Morgan - this expense should be borne by the property <br />developers, not the City. <br />-Eder - suggested that the Administrator and the Engineer <br />approach the County and request this be included with the <br />mapping of Section 32. <br />7. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Orchard/Sinclair Re -application - Cancelled <br />C. Star Trail Routing-- Mayor Eder introduced Wayne Reed, <br />Presi ent o t e Snow Rascals and Star Trail Representative. <br />Administrative Whittaker reported that the route -has not <br />changed - traffic is, as in -the past, routed around the <br />houses and behind the school. Signs are posted that <br />irldicate where the trail goes and that the trail does <br />not run in front of the homes along Highway 5. <br />--Wayne Reed - in response to a question from Fraser, Mr. <br />Reid indicated that violation of the trail route is a decision <br />bf choice, not 'a -misunderstanding ofothe trail route. <br />--Fraser - recommended informing snowmobilers through the <br />Newsletter of where the Star Trail is located and remind <br />them of their responsibility not to deviate from the trail <br />thereby causing problems eg. such as noise to homes near <br />the trail. <br />
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