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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1983 <br />-13- <br />7. OLD BUSINESS: <br />C. Star Trail'Routing - Continued - <br />T-Wayne Reed - Maps are being printed and will be displayed <br />on a?!board in front of the Twin Point and at the south end <br />of the County Park. The Club will also put up a "Stay on <br />Trail'" sign where the arrow indicates the Highway 5 crossing. <br />Mr. Reed will also supply the City with a Master Plan that <br />identifies where signs and maps will be located. <br />B. Lake D'em'ontreville Acc'e's's�He'aring - The Hearing will be <br />scheduled for January l , at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Eder and <br />Engineer Bohrer plan to meet with the DNR on plans for <br />the access on January 5. <br />D. State -Aid Cuts'- Impact - Deferred <br />E. Worker's Comp insurance Bids - Whittaker reported that <br />no one wants to i obsn is Comp insurance without Liability <br />insurance included in the package. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to accept the League of Mn. Cities Insurance <br />Trust bid for Workers Comp insurance of $6;215 and reconsider <br />this when the Genera=llaiability Insurance b <br />ids "come in. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />F. Investment Discussion Council -OrganizationMeeting - <br />The"Council agree wit" t e fivestment Discussion schedule, <br />January 18, 5:00 p.m.; and set the Organization Meeting <br />for Saturday, January 15, at 9:00 a.m. <br />8. NEW BUSINESS: <br />A. Council Reports -'No Reports <br />9. ADMINI.STRATOR''S REPORT: <br />A. 1983 Contract- City Administrator, Interna- Whittaker.a,: <br />recommended turning this item over to the Personnel Committee. <br />The Personnel Committee will meet January 15, after the <br />Orignaizational Meeting. <br />B. Health insurance Changes - Whittaker informed the Council <br />of t'he rate increases, as outlined in the letter from <br />Washington National Insurance Company, December 20, 1982. <br />He has discussed this with the City- staff, who have indicated <br />they want to stay with the $100 deductible. <br />C. Voting Machines �- January 10 Meeting with County Auditor- <br />W rtta er reporte t at t'e County Auditor 'as agreed to discuss <br />a counting center for voting machines in this area. The <br />Auditor will hold an initial meeting on the automatic card <br />system voting machines on January 10. Whittaker will check <br />on obtaining the tally sheets from Oakdale to compare the <br />order of votes for candidates for consideration of the use <br />of voting machines in Lake Elmo. <br />D. Conferences - Whittaker.aprised the Council of up. -coming <br />conferences to be held in the area. Interested parties <br />should call the City Office for reservations. <br />E. Schedule Meeting with City Attorney, Planner, Engineer - <br />Councillors were asked to notify the Administrator w en they <br />would like to schedule meetings with City representatives and <br />(`,onGvli--an+c _ <br />