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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 41 1983 -3- <br />4. ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING: <br />I. Cable Commission - <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to reappoint Council Representatives <br />Mayor Maynard Eder and Councillor Laura Fraser, Alt. and <br />Citizen Representatives David Garloff and Zona Butler, Alt. <br />to the Cable Commission. Carried 5-0. <br />J. Energ Plant Board - Mayor Eder reported the the scheduled <br />meeting o the Project Board was not held because the group <br />could not decide on a Chairman. "Councillors Fraser, Dunn and <br />Morgan indicated an interest in serving as the City's representative <br />if no other Council member were actively interested in serving. <br />Councillor Mazzara indicated he was definitely interested in <br />being the City's tepresentative, but needed to have a more definite <br />idea of meeting dates and times so that he can work the time into <br />his schedules <br />--Eder - whoever accepts the appointment will be placed in a very <br />time consuming situation. Would prefer to see Jess Mottaz in <br />this position, but if the Council maintains an elected official <br />should represent the City, than, he would be willing to serve. <br />--Whittaker - reviewed tenative schedule - weekly meetings, possibly <br />Tuesday afternoons, for the first three months, then, twice a <br />month for the following 6 months. <br />--Fraser - asked Mazzara about being able to attend afternoon <br />meetings once a week. <br />--Mazzara - has discussed this with his employer and feels the <br />time required for meetings can be worked out - if ..he found <br />the time element was becoming a conflict he would notify the <br />Council so that an alternate representative could be appointed. <br />--Morgan - representative should be an elected official - repre- <br />sentative will be up against tough negotiators --feels this <br />leaves only the mayor in the best position to be representative. <br />MIS/ Morgan/Dunn_,to appoint Maynard Eder to serve as Lake Elmo <br />Representative to the Energy Plant Board with Mike Mazzara or <br />Bruce Dunn serving as alternate representative. <br />Discussion: <br />--Morgan stated his reasons for wanting an elected official are <br />1, he is responsible to the citizens who elected him,and <br />2. is confident in Eder's ability to tept6sen:t and protect:: <br />the City's interest. <br />--Dunn - agreed with Morgan. Wants to see the representative as <br />someone who answers to the voters of the town. <br />--Fraser -,UeSs Mottaz has done an--excellant job as City liason <br />at the plant committee meetings to date. Does not see any <br />strong advantage to the representative being a Council member - <br />believes citizen volunteer principle is very effective - Council <br />always retains the authority to discharge anyone who would <br />perform poorly. Will not push his candidacy in view of the <br />Council position on having an elected official, but would -- - <br />prefer to see Councillor Mazzara be appointed since;Mayor Eder <br />expressed some_rq�luctance and has many other responsibilities. <br />--Mazzara - confident he will be capable to handle the responsibility <br />although the time element is still up in the air, but would like <br />the opportunity to serve. <br />--Eder - asked Morgan and Dunn to withdraw their motion and appoint <br />Councillor Mazzara as City representative. If the time element <br />becomes a conflict the Council can make other arrangements. <br />Dunn and Morgan agreed and withdrew their motion. <br />